NFSU1 intro video for NFSU2

I'll cut it short: I love the first NFSU intro video. It showcases what the Need for Speed Underground spirit really is:
Adding increasingly better and cooler performance upgrades, bodykits, neon lights and liveries, in order to finally create the car of your dreams... and beat every opponent on the street with it!
On the other hand, NFSU2's intro video is pretty bleak in comparison. So, I've decided to port the original NFS Underground intro video for its successor! This is what this mod is all about.
First of all, rename the video according to the one you want to replace:
- FMVOpening.vp6 for the actual intro video
- PSA.vp6 for the "Hi I'm Brooke Burke, yada yada please drive safely" video
- ealogo.vp6 for the, well, EA Logo video ("Challenge Everything!")
- THX_logo.vp6 for the, drumroll please, THX Logo video
- You can also replace any other career mode video, if you want. File names are pretty much self-explanatory.
BE SURE NOT TO ADD A DOUBLE .vp6 EXTENSION. (eg: FMVOpening.vp6.vp6)
Then, go to the "MOVIES" subfolder of your NFSU2 install directory and rename the original file (eg: FMVOpening.vp6.BAK).
You shouldn't need a backup but, well, just in case.
Finally, copy-paste the video in the "MOVIES" subfolder.
That's it.
= FAQ =
Q: Does it work with the widescreen patch?
A: Like a charm. It's actually intended to be used with a 16:9 resolution.
Q: Does it work with the original 4:3 ratio?
A: Yes, but it will be letterboxed (black margins on the top and the bottom) for the aforementioned reason.
Q: Does it work with ultrawide (eg: 21:9) ratios?
A: Yes, but it will be slightly cropped or stretched depending on your resolution.
Q: It looks a bit pixelated, why?
A: Because it's ripped from a videogame that is almost 20 years old. Filters can't do magic, you know. Also, at least is crispier than the original NFSU2 intro.
Q: How you did it?
A: Thanks for asking, I've attached a quick tutorial with the mod.
Big thanks to SpeedyHeart#3 for sharing the VP6 Starter Pack.
You can distribute or re-upload this mod as you like, both as standalone and as part of mod packs/conversions, as long as
-you credit me, TommyTheBiker, as the original author
-you link the original NFSMods page (this one you're reading right now)
-you credit SpeedyHeart#3 for providing the VP6 tools
-you don't use any kind of affiliate/paid short link system.

GT4RACER (May 19, 2024 @ 14:11)
Can you do one with the NFSU2 Beta Intro? (
SheepyTop (September 07, 2023 @ 07:31)
how to convert the .mad files to .vp6?
TommyTheBiker (July 21, 2022 @ 17:54)
@Zyphir: NFSU1's original videos were in .MAD format, which I don't know how to open.