1992 Mazda Familia GT-R
Porsche 911 Turbo 3.0
Known bugs:
- The metallic paint affects car's lights
- The light texture does not change (too new to know about lights texture)
- The rims are still Fuchs of 930 Turbo (tool limitations)
- The car is not right-hand drive and had to be changed to left-hand drive due to limitations
- Light glow and exhaust fire locations are misplaced (tool limitations)
- Extract VEH_1085186_HI.BNDL and VEH_1085186_LO.BNDL into NFSMW2012 game folder
- Binko_J for making NFS BNDL Model Challenger
- Oleg for making Zmodeler
- Playground Games for making mesh and textures
- dotPDN for making Paint.net
- YochiThMaster333 (me) for converting this car