Porsche 911 Speedster (997)

Replaces the Porshce 911 GT2 'Race' livery (2277344, requires NFS Heroes DLC and cannot be colored without cheats, as it is based on a livery and does not have colors properly added).
To install, drag and drop VEH_2277344_HI and VEH_2277344_LO.BNDL into the install directory\VEHICLES folder.
Some issues:
No reverse light (i am still really lazy and will add later)
Light textures are a bit weird (nbmc being nbmc)
Car looks awkward with GT2 wheels
Model looks a bit odd in some areas
Created using the NBMC (NFS BNDL Model Challenger) and NFS BNDL Repacker.
Download here https://github.com/144hz/NFSbndlModelChallenger
Model from NFS Hot Pursuit 2010