New Licenseplate Need for Speed Carbon Style Need for Speed Paybcak

Number plate for Need for Speed Carbon in style Need for Speed Payback.
Author: Rinder
Installation path:
Global File:D:\Games\Need for Speed Carbon\GLOBAL move with the replacement.
FRONTEND File:D:\Games\Need for Speed Carbon\FRONTEND move with the replacement
DDS File: use the Tex-Ed program to replace the "LICENSE PLATE" file in the "DDS folder" 1 Texturearchive (line 30) at the specified path: D:\Games\Need for Speed Carbon\Global\InGameA.bun way up games are different.
DDS File: use the Tex-Ed program to replace the "LICENSE PLATE" file in the "DDS folder" 1 Texturearchive (line 102) at the specified path: D:\Games\Need for Speed Carbon\FRONTEND\FrontB1.lzc way up games are different.
Номерной знак для Need for Speed Carbon в стиле Need for Speed Paybcak.
Автор: Rinder
Путь установки:
Global File:D:\Games\Need for Speed Carbon\GLOBAL переместить с заменой.
FRONTEND File:D:\Games\Need for Speed Carbon\FRONTEND переместить с заменой.
DDS File: При помощи программы Tex-Ed замените файл "LICENSEPLATE" в "DDS папке" 1 Texture archive (строка 30) по указанному пути: D:\Games\Need for Speed Carbon\Global\InGameA.bun путь до игры у всех разный.
DDS File: При помощи программы Tex-Ed замените файл "LICENSEPLATE" в "DDS папке" 1 Texture archive (строка 102) по указанному пути: D:\Games\Need for Speed Carbon\FRONTEND\FrontB1.lzc путь до игры у всех разный.