Mazda RX7 for need for speed most wanted 2012

This car replace Porsche 911 turbo 3.0
installation: drop the files in vehicle files folder into VEHICLES folder of the game
Remember make a backup of your original files
Xl3bn1yM4n (March 21, 2024 @ 21:51)
Словил баг после переключения с машины Nissan R34 на Porsche 911 Turbo 3.0, словил баг который переставил колёса с R34 на 911, есть фото, могу скинуть и так же есть баг когда сдаёшь назад рука вылазит из машины, так же есть фотоI caught a bug after switching from a Nissan R34 car to a Porsche 911 Turbo 3.0, I caught a bug that rearranged the wheels from R34 to 911, there is a photo, I can throw it off and there is also a bug when you turn back the hand climbs out of the car, there is also a photo

alessandro (March 21, 2024 @ 02:34)
make one of the lamborghini venom from need for speed rivals please

And (January 27, 2024 @ 08:50)
Не большая прозба сделай мод Mazda RX-8 Need For Speed Most Wanted2012 пж окей