Heat Style Garage for NFSC

1. Install NFSC FE Loader
2. Copy "FRONTEND" and "scripts" folders to your NFS Carbon directory
3. Enjoy
Features: Skybox is animated
I recommend to update FE loader to v2.2 and Install HD Reflections with enabled RealFrontEndReflections for better reflections

1.1 - updated ini for FE Loader V3 (thanks to xrtxn)
Tools used:
Zmodeler 2.2.3
Binary 2.8.3
Adobe photoshop
Blender 2.93
Adobe - Adobe Photoshop
Nfsu360 - for making TexEd and Cartoolkit
MaxHwoy - for making Binary
Oleg Melashenko - for making Zmodeler
Blender Foundation - for making Blender
Terminator_Vasya (me) - making the model and converting it to nfs carbon

RonCol (February 14, 2024 @ 14:04)
Please! I need this vinyl for BMW M3 E46
TerminatorVasya (July 23, 2023 @ 15:39)
@xrtxn updated mod with your settings
xrtxn (July 18, 2023 @ 14:41)
For it to work with FEloader 3.0 you need to change the last few settings: https://pastebin.com/kpYQRmBW
KillaZ (May 25, 2023 @ 14:09)
Give M3 GTR mod PLS