Return of Roger v2.3

This mod restores and adds some events from the OPM Demo (PS2).
Now, at the beginning of the story, we are given the opportunity to participate in new races and, finally, fight with the 16th member from the Blacklist - Rog.
Return of Roger v2.3 is compatible with:
- Original game v1.3 (US/English);
- Beta Content Mod (Easy Installation/Complex Installation);
- Classic Edition.
- NIS scene - IntroNisToll from OPM Demo for Tollbooth-race 20_4_1
- Fully working NIS scenes from E3 and OPM Demo, in which you can use any car (when replaying through BL#16)
- High quality audio tracks
- Added missing traffic in drag race
- Roadblock copspeech in drag race
- In Tollbooth-race police spawn triggers have been added
- In Sprint-race cops can now have chase level 3 (same as in OPM Demo)
- Added maps and description for races
- Added icons, tags and description of Rog in BL#16
- Ability to replay races and chase BL#16 (press F5 ExtOpts to open)
- The chase from the OPM Demo has also been added to the Challenge Series (one of the first challenges must be completed to open it)
- You can re-ram the roadblock from the scene during the chase
Gameplay trailer by ALLPLAY:

Readme in archive.
* elaymm4 (Help in creating a modification)
* r033 (ICEbreaker, help in creating a modification)
* trackmaniamatt (Help in creating a modification)
* XGΔMΞR (Race maps, icons for Rog)
* ALLPLAY (Text translation, testing, creating a video-trailer of modifications)
* VIKI (Testing)
* BlueSkyWestSide (Testing)
* MSX (Testing)
* nfsu360 (NFS-VltEd, NFS-Hasher, NFS-TexEd, NFS-LangEd)
* MaxHwoy (Binary)
* Zyphir (Phone Call and Cop Speech - Importer/Exporter Toolkit)
* nlgzrgn (Labrune)
* MJ_Realm (EA VP6 Encoder)
* ExOptsTeam (NFSMW Extra Options)
* Aero (NFS HD Reflections)

RonCol (October 08, 2024 @ 12:35)
Привет, после дрэг-заезда не начинается погоня, просто продолжается пролог т.е. гонка с Рейзором->потеря авто и т.д./Hello, after drag-race chase don't begin, the prologue just continues, i.e. the race with a Razor-> loss of a car, etc.
Antoninoturbo (September 02, 2023 @ 14:30)
I also noticed today that redux v3 just straight up doesn't work whit this mod
Antoninoturbo (September 01, 2023 @ 22:01)
Little advice, if you have the e3 demo mod that makes you play the original e3 race but whit random opponets DONOT, and I repeat, DONOT install this mod thogher. Those 2 mods collide whit eachother in a way or another and will give you a bunch of errors, making your game crash in random situations like going back to safehouse or starting a random race. Mae sure you only have THIS mod installed and not both. I'ts not an insult to the mod makers it's just a feedback I wanted to share, the mod itself is good.png)
idkwhoiam (July 19, 2023 @ 07:31)
I need new update