NFSUC - Beta Visuals

Version 1.1
This mod will try to make your game look more like Xbox 360 Alpha 161 build.
Key changes:
- Lighting, post effects, car materials, shader parameters, flares, emitter effects, ported from beta & modified to look more correct
- Two options for lighting available: Brown contrasty (aka how beta looks in Xenia emulator) & Native vibrant (aka how beta looks on Xbox 360).
- An option available to set city lighting in Port Crescent, since that's how it was in actual beta, despite proper lighting being there in the files
- Visual damage made to look a lot closer to how it was in beta
- Cut tire water splashes are restored
- Beta world textures ported, which include higher quality roads and beta garage environment
- Beta sky textures ported and cleaned up using AI techniques
- Different & better quality textures for body damage and static car shadow
All additional information is provided in ReadMe.
Visit discord server to keep up with community!


elaymm4 (April 23, 2023 @ 11:26)
@zMefistoUse NFS-VltEd, paste this line into command log window (right bottom), then press F9. Save changes.
delete_field car por_911_gt2_08 nonUserKits

zMefisto (April 22, 2023 @ 14:59)
How do I get that red porsche you've used for the screenshots? I found it also in game's wallpapers but the bodykit is not in the game itself
Kevin4e (April 20, 2023 @ 23:29)
@elaymm4, got it, thank you.
elaymm4 (April 20, 2023 @ 17:08)
@Kevin4e, about new save: depends. If you played on vanilla version, you're probably gonna be fine.To find out game's version check properties of "nfs.exe" file.