[NFSUB] Camera Toolkit

Tested only on LICENSED non-trial version of game with the latest updates installed. No support for cracked or trial versions to be expected.
- Free mode.
- Attach to car.
- Look at car.
- Force LOD.
- Game speed, allows changing game's speed or pause it entirely.
- Create camera nodes and play tracks in each mode.
- Hide in-game HUD to make clean shots.
- All parts optional, meaning you can remove all of them from your car.
- No vinyl restrictions, makes all vinyls paintable and mirrorable.
- Various Visual Environment settings.
- Animation controller.
- Custom light placement.
How to use:
1. Drop "CameraToolKit" folder anywhere on your PC.
2. Launch the game and alt-tab.
3. Launch "CameraToolKit.exe".
4. Edit settings to you liking, after that press Inject button.
5. Go back to the game window.
Default Hotkeys:
Toggle UI - F1
Toggle camera - F2
Toggle HUD - Caps Lock
Pause game - F5
Add camera node - 1
PlayTrack - 2
StopTrack - 3
Move camera up - Y
Move camera down - H
Move camera left - J
Move camera right - L
Move camera forward - I
Move camera backward - K
Roll camera left - U
Roll camera right - O
Increase FOV - -
Decrease FOV - =
Toggle checked - Num 5
Toggle hood - Num 8
Toggle left door - Num 4
Toggle right door - Num 6
Toggle trunk - Num 2
Toggle left window - Num 7
Toggle right window - Num 9
Move camera - Left Stick
Look around - Right Stick
Move camera down - Left Trigger
Move camerea up - Right Trigger
Roll camera left - Left Bumper
Roll camera right - Right Bumper
Increase FOV - DPad Down
Decrease FOV - DPad Up
Add camera node - X
PlayTrack - A
StopTrack - B
You are NOT allowed to distribute or reupload this mod.
- Dear ImGui by Omar Cornut
- Cinematic Tools by Matti Hietanen
For any questions or details on how to use - join my Discord server.
Made by ARCHIE
Update 1.6.8:
- Added new hot keys for pause/unpause/slowmo.
- Added IGCS Depth of Field support, check out igcs.txt for tutorial made by mik sharov and crowned
- Added new camera movement styles.
Update 1.6.7:
- Updated to Vol.9.0.3
Update 1.6.6:
- Updated to Vol.9.0.2
- Updated game types, so pressets old pressets are not going to work
Update 1.6.5:
- Updated to Vol.8.0.2
- Added pause speed setting
Update 1.6.4:
- Updated to Vol.8.0.1
Update 1.6.3:
- Updated to Vol.8
Update 1.6.2:
- Updated to Vol.7.1.0
- Added game version check
Update 1.6.1:
- Updated to Vol.7.0.2
Update 1.6.0:
- Updated to Vol.6.1
Update 1.5.9:
- Updated to Vol.6
Update 1.5.8:
- Added Fog component
- Added baked vinyl size
Update 1.5.6:
- Added disable OnlyAllowWheelCustomization
- Breaking change, game has changed some of the visuals structs, so existing pressets might not work anymore
Update 1.5.5:
- Added lights save/load feature
- Added precise lights controls
Update 1.5.1:
- Added gamepad support.
Update 1.5.0:
- Added Light Tab, allowing to place custom lights in game world.
- Replaced Polyhook with custom one.
Update 1.4.0:
- Added Save/Load feature for Visuals
- Added Save/Load feature for Tracks
- Added Sky visual component
- Some UI changes
Update 1.3.0:
- Added hide character feature
- Added settings window
Update 1.2.1:
- Fixed camera movement when game is freezed
- Fixed no vinyl restrictions
- Added toggle all checked parts hot key
- Animation slider will now show the state when part is toggled
Update 1.2.0:
- Added Animation Controller
- Fixed camera rotation hotkeys
- Fixed an issue, when camera could attach to cars other then player's car.
Update 1.1.2:
- Added shadowmap resolution
- Fixed camera being stuck when game is freezed
- Fixed potential crash when using attach to car mode in multiplayer
- Fixed camera issue that made some world decals dissapear
Update 1.1.1:
- Added UI scale
- Updated to latest game version
Update 1.1.0:
- Added visuals tab
- Added depth of filed
- Added outdoor lighting
- Added shaders
- Added console log output

Archie (June 02, 2024 @ 06:56)
You couldn't paint them before, only change opacity
NiceSuit (June 01, 2024 @ 22:48)
i cant paint the unpaintable vinyls, which i was able to do before, but not anymore
Archie (June 01, 2024 @ 11:20)
Make sure you have licensed game with latest update installed
Pandalocky (May 31, 2024 @ 00:48)
It's crashing and closes the game when the CT is injecting
ArthurLopes (May 30, 2024 @ 15:35)
Hadn't though of doing that, thanks for pointing it out and updating the kit.Download
02e86c-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.6.8.zip (Size: 905.12KB) Latest Version
6c9db9-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.6.7.zip (Size: 899.87KB) Old Version
205060-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.6.6.zip (Size: 899.98KB) Old Version
a7e525-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.6.5.zip (Size: 871.97KB) Old Version
e5d839-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.6.4.zip (Size: 872KB) Old Version
ee1f96-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.6.3.zip (Size: 871.98KB) Old Version
ffce79-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.6.2.zip (Size: 875.43KB) Old Version
a0cd47-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.6.1.zip (Size: 872.91KB) Old Version
a51627-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.6.0.zip (Size: 872.91KB) Old Version
f57883-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.5.9.zip (Size: 872.91KB) Old Version
b47f50-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.5.8.zip (Size: 873KB) Old Version
b7bb9d-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.5.7.rar (Size: 797.74KB) Old Version
0b96f1-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.5.6.rar (Size: 797.75KB) Old Version
5f2f90-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.5.5.rar (Size: 793.17KB) Old Version
9cd223-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.5.3.rar (Size: 791.42KB) Old Version
49fbbf-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.5.2.rar (Size: 791.42KB) Old Version
647cf5-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.5.1.rar (Size: 790.72KB) Old Version
99acaa-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.5.0.rar (Size: 788.77KB) Old Version
daa7ac-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.4.0.rar (Size: 1.21MB) Old Version
91679e-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.3.0.rar (Size: 1.2MB) Old Version
4919cb-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.2.1.rar (Size: 1.18MB) Old Version
2fe8f0-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.2.0.rar (Size: 1.18MB) Old Version
eceb55-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.1.2.rar (Size: 1.17MB) Old Version
7fb4f8-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.1.1.rar (Size: 1.16MB) Old Version
f5a473-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.1.0.rar (Size: 1.16MB) Old Version
db12c0-[NFSUB]CameraToolKit_1.0.0.rar (Size: 1.15MB) Old Version