NFSMW Motion Blur Controller

Source Code:
NFSMW Motion Blur Controller is a mod which tweaks the Motion Blur effect of the vanilla game.
- Toggle Motion Blur (Widescreen Fix and Vanilla Implementation)
- Modify Motion Blur Strength
- Modify Effective Speed
- Reload The Configuration Any Time Automatically
Note: Motion blur should be enabled in game config/registry for this mod to take effect.
! Before installation, make sure that you're using v1.3 speed.exe (5,75 MB (6.029.312 bytes)).
If not, just search "NFS Most Wanted NO DVD Crack RELOADED" on Google, Bing or any search engine you like.
Now you can install the script. Just follow these steps:
1) Open the archive you downloaded.
2) Extract "scripts" folder and "dinput8.dll" into your NFSMW Installation Folder.
2a) If you already have a "dinput8.dll" that comes from another mod, Windows will ask you to replace the file. In this case, keep the more recent one.
3) (Optional) Edit the configuration file (NFSMWMotionBlurControllerSettings.ini) as you like.
4) Run the game!
! IMPORTANT: If your game is installed in a restricted directory (For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Need for Speed Most Wanted), you have 4 options to make the mod work properly:
1) Run your game as administrator.
2) Move your whole game installation to somewhere unrestricted. (Like, E:\Games\NFSMW)
3) Take ownership of your game directory. (Check out: )
4) Copy the configuration (*.ini) files into the Virtual Store. (%LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Need for Speed Most Wanted\scripts)
Changelog: (+ Addition, * Change, ! Attention, - Deletion)
v1.1.0.1337 (Build 1.1; Rev.00) :
* Seperated Widescreen Fix implementation and the vanilla variable of the Motion Blur toggle.
+ Added FileWatch to auto-detect the config file changes. (Suggested by @ThirteenAG)
- Removed hotkey to reload the config file as it's not necessary anymore.
v1.0.1.1337 (Build 1; Rev.01) :
+ Added an option to toggle Motion Blur.
+ Added a thread to reload the config with a key press.
v1.0.0.1337 (Build 1; Rev.00) :
+ Initial release.
Main Developer:
- nlgxzef
Requested By:
- P A I N
Thanks to:
- Aero_: Cheat Engine script.
- P A I N: thumbnail.
- ThirteenAG: NFSMW Widescreen Fix & suggestion to use FileWatch to auto-detect the config file changes.
- ThomasMonkman: FileWatch.
- Hex-Rays: IDA PRO.
- EA Black Box: Accidentally adding symbols into NFSMW Gamecube NTSC build.
+ And the ones I forgot to list here. Sorry!
See ya!
©2023 nlgxzef @ ExOpts Team - No rights reserved. ;)

GeorgeMonroe (December 21, 2022 @ 16:13)
Why it's not working like on your screenshots?What ur settings?

blankteer (December 20, 2022 @ 00:34)
P7IN, woow, what's the mod on the picture with the drifting BMW?
P7IN (December 19, 2022 @ 23:50)