Unbound Turbo Sounds Remap
At the time of the release of this mod, Frosty Mod Manager / Frosty Mod Editor 1.0.7 had not yet been officially released. By using them, you agree that it may not work correctly. You can still help the developers by properly reporting bugs you find, but please don't spam Frosty's Discord/Github/anywhere with complaints etc. If something doesn't work for you, it's better to just wait for the official release.
How to:
- Get Frosty Mod Manager / Frosty Mod Editor 1.0.7 or higher
- FMM: Move the mod file into the FMM window (tip: you can drag it right from the archive, no need to unpack), apply the mod
FME: Place *.fbmod files in <frosty editor folder>\Mods\NeedforSpeedUnbound and launch the game in Frosty Editor
If it doesn't work:
- Delete ModData folder inside the game installation folder
- FMM: Make sure that the mod is placed below other mods that affect turbo sounds
ThePixel (August 17, 2023 @ 11:30)
Please update to vol 4![](userdata/DeFy/testy.png)