2011 Audi A1 Clubsport Quattro (Unlimiter v4 Supported Extended Customization)

Base model from Need For Speed World (WorldUnited.GG) with parts from Real Racing 3 and NFS World base game
- Body kits (2) - Rally widebodies made by Sultan Kosmitov
- Spoilers (5 unique + vanilla hatchback)
- Hoods (5) - Stock and custom hoods, with carbon variants
- Rims (3 custom paintables)
- Interior (40) - Color options
- Headlights (15) - Color tints
- Taillights (13) - Color Tints
- Brakes (15) - Caliper colors
- Attachments (2 slots)
Slot 1: Taillight form
Slot 2: License Plate Location
- Performance
- Paint
- Vinyls
- Window Tint
- Custom Gauges
Permissions Granted:
1. To convert this mod into other games.
2. To improve this mod by adding more customization into the mod or improving performance.
3. To add this car into repacks such as Redux, Remasters, Pepega Mod, etc.
WorldUnited.GG - The NFS World Server that hosts the base model.
Sultan Kosmitov (WUGG) - The original creator of the mod.
Blender - Software used to work with the model and create the mod.
GM25 - Parts from Real Racing 3 models
nfsu360 - NFS CarToolKit software used to export the model and textures into .bin files.
1 - January 28th, 2023:
- Fixed the Spoiler SlotOverride so that is now uses hatchback spoilers.
Note: For this mod to work properly, you must install Viper4K's modder resource/global textures pack first.

CovRETA37 (January 26, 2023 @ 15:04)
sorry oot, but where i can get that winter mod?