Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Brand Update
This is a simple mod, which will update the brand of the SLR McLaren, now it will be a "proper" Mercedes, so the previous brand could be
used for "proper" Mclarens. The police will also refer to the SLR McLaren as a Mercedes now, and not as a McLaren.
It will also update its secondary logo, allowing you to choose between a 512x or 1024x secondary logo.
Binary Section
1. Open up Binary and select user mode (remember to run it on administrator mode).
2. Select the "SLR_Binary.end" and click OK.
3. Select your game's directory.
4. The installation prompt will appear, you just need to choose the resolution of the secondary logo (512x or 1024x)
5. Once it's done, save prompt will appear, click yes.
6. Next, the run game prompt will appear, click no.
7. Close Binary.
VltEd Section
1. Run NFS-VltEd (again, on administrator mode).
2. Once it's opened, select File → Import → Modscript
3. Select the "SLR_VLTED.nfsms" and click OK.
4. The Modscript window will appear. Just click install.
5. Now save the files by selecting File → Save, or just press Ctrl+S.
6. Lastly, close VltED.
Done, now the SLR McLaren is updated.
NOTE: You can use this simple mod in a modpack if you want to, but credit me at least.
Do not reupload it to another site.