[NFS: MW] Chevrolet Cobalt SS

Car Name: Chevrolet Cobalt SS
Base Model: NFS: Pro Street
Cost: 26.000
Unlock Condition: Available from the start
Change Log
- 22-02-23: Released
- 27-02-23: Minor part name fix
- 26-08-23: Fixed car lot scrolling crash issue & added support for Unlimiter V4
- 28-08-23: Smol exhaust fix

- Bodykits: Stock + 7 Kit
- Spoilers: Vanilla + 16 custom spoiler
- Hoods: New custom hoods
- Interiors: Stock + 2 new custom interior
- Rims: 3 custom rim + All vanilla rim
- Roofs: 1 new roof style
- Headlight: Stock + 1 alternate headlight
Attachment Slots
- Slot 1: Driver Seat
- Slot 2: Passenger Seat
- Slot 3: Boot Option
- Slot 4: Eyelid
- Slot 5: Window Net

- 512x & 1024x vinyls
- Custom liveries in Unique, Contest & Custom category
- Working decals
- Working brakelights
- Working headlights
- New performance data

Make sure you already have Binary, VLT-Ed, & NFS: MW Unlimiter installed. The installation is very easy.
1. Open your Binary & select "User Mode"
2. Choose "Binary Data Install.end"
3. Select your MW folder
4. Choose the optional option
5. Save, but don't run your game yet
6. Open your Vlt-Ed and then import the "VLT Data Install.nfsms"
7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page & select which MW you're using
8. Close the window & then save it
9. Open your MW
10. Create a new save & have fun

Q: How to fix "X Language.bin doesn't exist" error?
A: It shouldn't be happened again with my new updated Binary script. But just in case if it's happened: Download, extract & put all this Language.bin ffile in your MW "LANGUAGE" folder
Q: Modloader version when?
A: Never
Q: Can I use Ed & Binary car addon together?
A: You better install the Ed car mod manually using Binary
Q: Can I include this car to my modpack?
A: Depends, ask me on Discord first, Vee#0875
Q: Why did you remove most of the vanilla hoods?
A: I don't like some of them, so I keep the good looking one only

- RisaDriftR (Tester)
- CiPHER (Tester)
- Felixeur (Tester & tire offset data)
- Aven (Kit 7 exhaust)
- Miles Dipperion (Bodykit reference)
- KenjaMago (Custom performance)
- Emosen (2 livery in Contest category)
- KNWorkzzz (1 livery in Contest category)
- LossTunes (Bride Vios 3 seat model)
- arushan (mwgc)
- MaxHwoy (Binary)
- nlgzrgn (Unlimiter, ExOpts, modified mwgc & parts)
- nfsu360 (VltEd)
- Someone else that I forgot lmao

VeeTec (August 28, 2023 @ 11:13)
@Erce There wlll be an update coming soon for 350Z!the update is 350Z will be deleted from all the page & you can't get em anymore ;)
Erce (August 26, 2023 @ 17:57)
When's the next update for your 350Z?And why aren't you adding Melissa's Livery to that car of yours?

tuaz (July 13, 2023 @ 14:42)
same here, my game crashes in the cars list, im not sure if it come from this car but probably. however, that a good rework.
Facundo00 (April 17, 2023 @ 17:40)
Please,Fix this,my game crashes when I Scroll the car list
Osmik41 (March 09, 2023 @ 21:40)
The car is awesome now thanks to you,but there is a thing i need to ask. In Kryzee's video the car's sound is different and good but i don't get any different sound after install how can i get it? I like it more than original sound.Download
0bfa59-Download Link.rar (Size: 145 bytes) Latest Version
4c9090-Cobalt SS Unlimiter V4.rar (Size: 145 bytes) Old Version
295411-Download link.rar (Size: 154 bytes) Old Version
ab99a0-Download link.rar (Size: 154 bytes) Old Version
b04e00-Download link.rar (Size: 154 bytes) Old Version