2005 Honda NSX-R GT

- Bodykits
- Hoods
- Rims
- Spoilers (only 1 style)
- Muffler Tips
- Paint
- Vinyls
- Performance
- Working brakelights
- New performance
- Fully working damage
Known bugs:
- Anyone at the moment
- NFSMW Unlimiter by nlgzrgn: https://nfsmods.xyz/mod/688
- Binary v2.8.0 by MaxHwoy: https://nfsmods.xyz/mod/1638
- Run Binary as an administrator, click on red (User Mode) icon, then pick HON_NSX_GT_05.end and look for NFSUC game directory (ignore the errors if there are any)
- With NFS VltEd, click File - Open and choose NFSMW game directory, then click File - Import - ModScript and pick HON_NSX_GT_05.nfsms. Save it.
- nfsu360 for making NFS-CarToolkit
- Oleg for making Zmodeler
- Turn 10 Studios for making mesh and textures
- Cyrax for ripping mesh and textures of NSX-R GT
- dotPDN for making Paint.net
- YochiThMaster333 (me) for converting this car