NFSMW Enhancement MOD

Dont expect to have much features like carbon. because some features can only be changed at the cost of incompatibility save game file. To solve incompatibility, please use extra options by exopts team. THIS IS NECESSARY BECAUSE THE CHANGES MADE WILL MAKE YOUR SAVE INCOMPATIBLE. Dont yell at me if you are not using extra options.
Changelogs (NEW):
1. minor tweaks in cop pursuit.
2. minor changes in blacklist cop appearence.
3. Added performance data for BMW M3 E46 (non gtr version) in garage. You just need to replace appropriate model in BMWM3 folder.
4. Added and fixed RX8 speed t in garage.
5. NOTE that bmw m3 gtr is present in garage as of now. may be removed in future release.
6. added cop vehicles and some traffic vehicles in garage. stats for dumptruck and cement truck will not show as it messes up other performance data.
7. added dummy 350z in garage (it uses subaru model, and wrx_demo entry.) performance data is leftover used and not changed.
8. Added SEMI in garage. I have tried to fix performance upto my extent.
9. Since there is no nissan entry, according to exe, the manufacturer id for nissan is 13. It has been updated. only one has to add entry in frontb.lzc.
10. Modified some sound for cars. Specially pontiac, cayman and db9. i have tried to use unused .gin files (db9 upgrd, gto 65, por cayenne). Report any unusual sound.
11. GTR Whine is removed from demo sound (somebody complained about it to me).
12. removed racecars from traffic (lod is too high for traffic and kits disappear on low memory.)
13. Fixed Cenent trailer bug
Changelogs (old)(file exists in nfscars, not recommended):
1. Now cops will appear in some of blacklist races.
2. Heat level upto 10 is unlocked (other file) but the problem final epic pursuit is locked at heat 6 (facepalm). so i seperated the files with locked and unlocked heat levels. UNLOCKED VERSION IS UNSUPPORTED.
in unlocked heat level files, when entering safehouse, the heat will reset to 5 as i havent figured it out where it stores heat data. and yeah no fix for 0 bounty.
the cop pattern is changed in unlocked heat file. hope you can evade it :)
3. BMW now sounds like it sounded in beta.
the street version uses one of my experimented sound files(only locked heat file version). so it is slightly buggy. This will give you idea why added unused sounds are unused.
4. Take a challenge of detach the trailer challenge! (only locked heat version)
5. Unused traffic added to city. just look out whom you collide with!
6. Earl should not be that much hard (only in locked heat file)
7. For Geeks - added every unused sound according to their respective abk files.
the problem is I dont have knowledge of combination of acceltrans, ginsumix rpm, etc stuffs. if anybody knows, feel free to share so that more sounds can be used.
The major problem with abk and gin files is that audio for engine is stored in both gin file and abk file. and priority is first given to abk file so for example if i use cerbera gin file with corvette abk file, the car will sound more of corvette than cerbera(aka bmw original sound).
Another problem is as stated above, abk sound is prefered by game and there are limited abk files compared to available gin files in game. so some gin files remain unused.
List of still unused sound after addition (/dcl means its decelerating file along with its original gin file):
bronco comp
db9 upgrade /dcl (added for db9 as trial basis)
eclipse2000 v1
g35 ramp v1 (added as trial basis, unused)
gti 01b /dcl (added as trial, used in gti)
gto 65 /dcl (added as trial, used in gto, monaro)
itr pull 01cc
mustang gt c /dcl (added as trial)
por 928 v8 (added as trial, unused due to low rpm)
porsche cayenne /dcl (added as trial, used in cayman)
First of all i am not in group of the community patch developer, i made this whole mod by myself, by my limited knowledge and not a modification/copy of the existing wip community patch (actually i dont even have a copy, please send me one if anybody has it. i know for security reasons they are not released but man its been soo long time since announcement of CP1.4). So if you like my work please appreciate it in comments. it really helps me to encourage to make mods like this. Feel free to share and credit me if you like my work.
Special thanks again to nfsu360 for his powerful vltedit 4.2. man you are really awesome
Also ModScript is coming soon, for both mw and carbon.
Recommended mods
NFSMW Extra Options by Exops Team (NLGZRGN) :
Widescreen Patch by ThirteenAG:
BMW M3 E46 Model Fix by Rsracerp09:
Oh, so you go to above link for model fix and you find tuning mod for mw, this is not copy of that mod. No hurt intended.
Also, if somebody has knowledge of adding cars in memory by hexing globalb.bun, then please share tutorial.

rxflxctions (April 14, 2018 @ 03:00)
Anyone who believes this is a derivative of MWCP is dumb. The team as it currently stands consists of- Myself
- Bryan623
- 379Felipe
- SpeedyHeart
- nlgzrgn
- osdever
- ArturoPlayerOne
- elaymm4
These can all be done through vlt edits or edits you can find around the site. The dummy 350z is unneeded because as you can see in this video ( the 350z has been added and is working properly.