NFS:MW Rich Presence Support (RPC)

The short and sweet installation guide:
1. Install ASI loader
2. Get latest version
3. Extract all files into your game directory ( -extract=> Need For Speed Most Wanted)
Other than that, nfsmw-rpc will take care of the rest, so that your friends know what you're up to in Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2005)!

BigZ999 (May 04, 2024 @ 00:34)
I love the mod, but I was wondering: Would it be possible, if/when you make another update, to add a way to assign car names in a text file? That way if you have a modded car, instead of getting a MAKE MODEL, you get a Make Model Whatever Ect. Just wondering if it would be possible for it to be like the Cop Destroyed strings in the Unlimiter mod..jpeg)
Erce (September 19, 2023 @ 18:28)
Does this have support for the Challenge Series Traffic and Cop cars?
BleazZzY (July 15, 2023 @ 20:02)
Hey cool mod already. I have a suggestion on what you could add next. It would be pretty cool if you could add support for the LAN mode (so when you play this game online with e. g. GameRanger). Currently, when you are in the LAN mode menu, the RPC mod doesn't give information at all (except for playing NFSMW) and when you are in the race it just says "Main Menu".
Slugcat (June 06, 2023 @ 18:16)
@Delatom - yes, heat level can be as high as 10, but any higher and a fallback is that it defaults to being in a safe-house, due to entering a safe-house gives a weird value to the heat value@TheBadSina - one already exists in similar/higher capacity to this RPC, made by DeaTh