McLaren F1 GTR LM

Proper positions for lights and exhausts
Proper Emissive Textures for lights and interior
Custom rims
Untouched performance (Drives and Handles the exact same as the regular F1)
Correct License Plate
Proper carbon fiber mapping that isnt garbage
There is no modified wheelbase, so let me say this again, this handles and has the same speed and characteristics as the regular F1.
McLaren F1 (Racer)
Installation Instructions:
To install the new vehicle, copy the MS.BIN file from the mod folder into your Hot Pursuit Remastered VEHICLES folder and replace the old file
From then on, you should be all set
If you have any issues contact me on discord: Xpr3xa#0225 or my server:
Update: Shader fix for taillights, engine details, headlights, interior emissive gauges, added missing brake caliper logo, and fixed transparency of rear grill
Update 2:
Wheel animations added
Shader fixes
Updated Normal maps
Half assed wrap support
(mesh was legit impossible to uv map fully, and windows aren't mapped cause I got mad at the body mesh so I couldnt be bothered with windows, dont rice your mclarens anyways)
Performance is untouched from the vanilla car.

[Deleted Account] (July 21, 2024 @ 10:34)
I have only one question for you: why are you taking money from someone or me to pay you PLN 1,000 for publishing mods? You can't reduce the amount, no normal person will pay that much. -Xpr3x
[Deleted Account] (July 21, 2024 @ 10:32)
Xpr3xa bye
[Deleted Account] (July 21, 2024 @ 10:32)
tell me what you want, I don't care, do whatever you want, I'm just joking. In my life, I would never make mods for the game because it's not my style. When it comes to mods, I mean other mods for which these packages have been published are fine. I'm losing my life because I don't want to waste my life on such terrible failures, and let TiSonic take care of life like everyone else and don't show up in other people's lives, because then only problems will arise.
Basically, you can delete comments if you

Xpr3xa (July 21, 2024 @ 09:27)
@Prezmo909 and last comment on the matter, not that it has a chance of reaching your non existent brain anyways, if you comment on any of my posts again, I will personally remove your comments, if I find your account on my server, you're banned, and if you try to message begging me for cars again, you will get blocked. This thread should not have gotten this far out of hand, but I will definitely make sure ungrateful garbage like you don't get access to any mods of me or my friends. I'll let sonic handle ts