McLaren F1 GTR LM

Proper positions for lights and exhausts
Proper Emissive Textures for lights and interior
Custom rims
Untouched performance (Drives and Handles the exact same as the regular F1)
Correct License Plate
Proper carbon fiber mapping that isnt garbage
There is no modified wheelbase, so let me say this again, this handles and has the same speed and characteristics as the regular F1.
McLaren F1 (Racer)
Installation Instructions:
To install the new vehicle, copy the MS.BIN file from the mod folder into your Hot Pursuit Remastered VEHICLES folder and replace the old file
From then on, you should be all set
If you have any issues contact me on discord: Xpr3xa#0225 or my server:
Update: Shader fix for taillights, engine details, headlights, interior emissive gauges, added missing brake caliper logo, and fixed transparency of rear grill
Update 2:
Wheel animations added
Shader fixes
Updated Normal maps
Half assed wrap support
(mesh was legit impossible to uv map fully, and windows aren't mapped cause I got mad at the body mesh so I couldnt be bothered with windows, dont rice your mclarens anyways)
Performance is untouched from the vanilla car.

Xpr3xa (July 21, 2024 @ 09:17)
@Przemo909 commenting 6 times on a post in one day is crazy. Calling my mods shitty when you cant even make one is even crazier. The craziest is saying you would make a JDM v4 then named a bunch of european cars. It's always the brainless retards who can't make a car mod if their life depended on it, talking the most shit. And we have a perfect example right here.
[Deleted Account] (July 21, 2024 @ 07:30)
some people wrote requests on this website and somehow it turned out great, so 2 years ago you could submit requests and somehow they were implemented, thank God. -TiSonic, Xpr3xaI remember that I made a request 2 years ago, when there was a conversation and it was successful, you implemented mods, e.g.: Toytora gt-one, pagani zonda r, huayra r, when I published a list of cars that can be replaced with roadster version cars TiSonic

[Deleted Account] (July 21, 2024 @ 07:19)
Well, it's hard to say that what can you do here, why aren't mods processed? in the team you work with the guy Xpra3a???, -TiSonic
[Deleted Account] (July 21, 2024 @ 07:18)
No one cares that it is obvious that lack of respect for people and immorality are now fashionable and famous in these end times. This world is strange and people are not very interesting and are not suitable for relationships, even girls are worthless and do not deserve happiness. The fault lies with politicians and toxic and uneducated people from outside. - Xpr3xaThank God I don't have a girlfriend, only real problems. Good luck
good luck with the new mods

[Deleted Account] (July 21, 2024 @ 07:16)
oh, you make shitty mods, I don't have the tools to create mods and you do all the dirty work, I don't have to try, I have no contact with DI GLorio at all, I'd rather have someone else make interesting mods. If I had the tools, I would make better mods and introduce, for example, JDM V4 pack:-MAserati Mc12,JAguar XJ220, CItroen gt, Buggati vison gt, Ford gt90 replace gumpert apollo ETC. But paying for your mods is a shame, I don't need to pay for the mod. - Xpr3xa (