U2 Showroom for NFSC

1. Copy "FRONTEND" and "scripts" folders to your NFS Carbon directory
2. Enjoy
Now you don't have to install fe loader manually, it's already in the mod (updated version of it to make disc feature work)
Working car disc
Disc returns back if you open customization menu
Baked lighting
New textures by P A I N
Discs models are improved
You can edit disc controls and disc speeds in NFSCFELoader.ini

1.0 - initial release
- Removed shadowtile from main disc
- Added rotating disc feture
Tools used:
Binary 2.8.3
Adobe photoshop
ARCHIE - Fe Loader and lighting baking method
Terminator_Vasya (me) - ripping the model and converting it to nfs carbon, editing fe loader to add disc feature
P A I N - New textures

TerminatorVasya (November 26, 2023 @ 19:17)
@MasterL4ster yes it's possible, you'll have to remove tpk from U2.bin using binary, then decompile the bin using cartoolkit, open model in blender and replace with your own, then compile it back and add tpk back to it
MasterL4ster (November 26, 2023 @ 17:30)
Is it possible to swap/change independently tarpaulin covered cars for your own ?
dima2007 (November 11, 2023 @ 17:03)
please make such a detailed garage for nfs undengraund 2