NFS Underground 2.2 BETA 0.31

This modpack is actually still in progress, but why not if we release the BETA version first :D
(I know, im not a famous youtuber or modder... I just want to try something new)
21/09/2023 | Need For Speed : Underground 2.2 BETA 0.31
Changelog :
- Added new car! Shelby G.T. 500 by NFS2019
- Added new car! Volkswagen Golf GTI 2.5 by NFS2019
- Added new car! Acura Integra Type-R and Dodge Neon C from Olympic Import Beta 2 by nlgxzef
- Added custom Brakelights and Headlights for Shelby G.T. 500!
- Added custom Brakelights and Headlights for Dodge Viper SRT10!
- Added custom Brakelights and Headlights for Dodge Neon C!
- Added custom Brakelights and Headlights for Acura Integra Type-R!
- Added 2 "SPECIALNEON" for testing
- Credits Updated
More Changelog is on the README file ...
24/08/2023 | NFSU2 SheepyTop Edition 0.248 BETA (Happy 15th Birthday of SheepyTop)
Changelog :
- Added 109 Random Racer for Quick Race (I know this is useless, but why not?)
- Remove Restriction all Special Vinyls
- Paintable Special Vinyls (You can search them in Sponsor Vinyl menu, more Vinyls is coming soon!)
More Changelog is on the README file ...
22/08/2023 | NFSU2 SheepyTop Edition 0.221 BETA
Changelog :
- Fix Bug at STAGE_0_CIRCUIT_1
- Fix Bug at Stage 0 Carlot
- Added Peugot 106 and Corsa (if you dont have them)
20/08/2023 | NFSU2 SheepyTop Edition 0.22 BETA
Changelog :
- First BETA Ver. Released
Notes! :
- If you feel that some content belonging to other Modders is not listed in the credits below, let me know...
- You need NFSU2 v1.2 Patch... i cant share here cuz of the rules, so you need to search it by yourself ;)
- This mod may only support English... So if you use another language, please forgive me :D
- The removed vinyl restriction is not from SupraTurbo2JZ mod! I made it by myself when I was trying to change the UpgradeGroupID and the attributes which I thought I made a mistake, including the paintable vinyls
- If you are good at combining color, just try the "paintable vinyls" ;)
- For the next update, more changelog available on the README file
Tools Used :
NFS Texed 0.9.1
NFS Texed 1.7
Binary 2.8.3
Paint net
ZModeler 1.07b
ZModeler 2.2.6 (Valen2006)
CarToolKit (Valen2006, VeeTec, i wish i was dead)
> Binary by MaxHwoy
> Spoiler Parts by AJLethal, Valen2006, VeeTec, i wish i was dead (Converting Custom Spoilers from .bin to .z3d) and NFS2019 (from Extended Customization Addon Cars)
> Carbonfibre, HD Shadow, HD Neon by AJLethal from .R Custom Mini Pack
> HD Content Support : Aero_
> Acura Integra Type-R and Dodge Neon C from Olympic Import, Extra Options, Unlimiter, License Plates Addon and Sound Engine by nlgxzef (Extra Options) (Unlimiter) (Car Sound Tuner) (License Plates Addon) (Olympic Import)
> Pearlsecent Paint, Neons and Lights Colors by BINIG22Stan from Customization Plus
> Skyline Spoiler Tweaks : ARCHIE
> Dodge Viper SRT10, Volkswagen Golf GTI 2.5 and Shelby G.T.500 by NFS2019 (Dodge Viper SRT10) (Volkswagen Golf GTI 2.5) (Shelby G.T.500)
> NFSU Gauge by Redridesog
> Stock Carbon Cars by xGMV
> Brakelights and Headlights for Addon Cars, Paintable Vinyls and Vinyls Restriction Remover by SheepyTop
> Translated from Indonesian : Google Translate
Hope you guys like it and sorry for my bad english ^w^
Love from Indonesia <3

MisfortuneSeven (January 13, 2024 @ 23:33)
Why don't the addon cars have secondary front end logos?
frame06 (October 25, 2023 @ 00:10)
Hey man is there any way to install spoilers separately?
SemKill (September 22, 2023 @ 13:42)
We need a showcase video