Seat Leon Cupra Fix for NFSPS
Here's a script which will fix some original Prostreet's inaccuracies.
Firstly, this Leon Cupra is exotic in game files. It makes no sense because this car was built on VW Golf Mk5 platform, which is tuner in this game. So, I made this script to get rid of that mistake.
Secondly, this car uses hon_prel as an upgraded sound, just like 240sx and Silvia S15. In my opinion it's weird, so I changed it to toy_mr2_a, which fits Seat better.
Instructions on how to install my mod. You can also find them in readme
- Download NFS-VltEd 4.6
- Run it as an administrator
- Click File -> Open -> Browse to your NFS PS directory
- Click File -> Import -> Modscript -> and browse to "leoncuprafix.nfsms"
- Click File -> Save
That's it! Now you can launch the game and see the difference
P.S. You are allowed to modify this script or add it into modpacks, but don't forget to credit me as an original author.