Elite Interceptor Pack
(Now with OGVI installation option!)
Super Easy
-Adds Elite Units
-Adds Elite Units
-Adds health to racer cars (500HP)
-Adds Elite Units
-Adds health to racer cars (500HP)
-Adds cop damage mechanic to racer cars (don't roll the car!)
-Adds Elite Units
-Adds health to racer cars (250HP)
-Adds cop damage mechanic to racer cars (don't roll the car!)
-Adds Elite Units
-Adds health to racer cars (100HP)
-Adds cop damage mechanic to racer cars (don't roll the car!)
-Doubles cop numbers
-Halves backup timers
-Roadblocks will be A LOT more persistant
-Cop health doubled
-Cooldown timers are doubled
-Adds Elite Units
-Adds health to racer cars (50HP)
-Adds cop damage mechanic to racer cars (don't roll the car!)
-Doubles cop numbers
-Halves backup timers
-Roadblocks will be A LOT more persistant
-Cop health doubled
-Cooldown timers are doubled
-SUV backup support in heat levels 1 and 2
-Heli support in heat levels 1, 2, and 3
-Adds Elite Units
-Adds health to racer cars (25HP)
-Adds cop damage mechanic to racer cars (don't roll the car!)
-Doubles cop numbers
-Halves backup timers
-Roadblocks will be A LOT more persistant
-Cop health doubled
-Cooldown timers are doubled
-SUV backup support in heat levels 1, and 2
-Heli support in heat levels 1, 2, and 3
Fool's Challenge
-Adds Elite Units
-Adds health to racer cars (1HP)
-Adds cop damage mechanic to racer cars (don't roll the car!)
-Roadblocks removed due to racers now having only 1 HP
-Heli will now only observe due to racers now having only 1 HP
-SUV support removed due to racers now having only 1 HP
Fool's Challenge Hard (for the psychos)
-Adds Elite Units
-Adds health to racer cars (1HP)
-Adds cop damage mechanic to racer cars (don't roll the car!)
Three new heat levels have also been added:
-8: Hardened Civic Cruisers and SUVs, based on the intro and cutscenes
-9: Elite Civic Cruisers and GTOs
-10: Elite Corvettes and SUVs
In addition facing Razor gives you an automatic heat level of 6 with the final pursuit using levels 8-10.
-Unlimiter is required: https://nfsmods.xyz/mod/688
-ZPatch for Most Wanted is required: https://zolika1351.pages.dev/mods/nfsmwpatch
-For more fun, install Extra Options and enable PursuitActionMode: https://nfsmods.xyz/mod/43
Bonus Scripts:
-Wreckable traffic, given a few more hitpoints to make a bit more sense. (trafdamage)
-Option to add cop cars to the car lot. (playercops)
-Damage remover for the racer cars, for those who just want the harder cops without the added worry of totalling out. (damageremover.nfsms)
To install:
-Open Binary in User mode and import install.end
-Save files
-Open VltEd or OVGI and import install.nfsms
-Choose your difficulty and click install
-Save files
-Add the text in add to _CopDestroyedStrings.txt to _CopDestroyedStrings.ini and number them (Don't forget to update the number of strings at the top)
To change difficulty:
-Open VltEd or OVGI and import reset.nfsms
-Pick your new difficulty and click install
-Save files
To uninstall:
-Open Binary and import uninstall.end
-Save Files
-Open VltEd or OVGI and import uninstall.nfsms
-Save files
-Remove the new strings from _CopDestroyedStrings.ini (Don't forget to update the number of strings at the top)
-Go to the CARS folder and delete the folders COPELITE, COPGTOELITE, COPSPORTELITE, and COPSUVELITE
MaxHwoy - Binary v2.8.3
nfsu360 - NFS-VltEd v4.6, NFS-CarToolkit v3.1
Electronic Arts - Models and original textures
If I'm missing anything or there are any issues please let me know! This is my first mod and I would like to improve it where I can.
zarus1 (January 24, 2024 @ 18:05)
Why won't elite units respawn even though they are already in the scripts?BigZ999 (January 24, 2024 @ 02:58)
Thanks for the feedback. Are you asking about the nightmare difficulty?CEONAVY (January 23, 2024 @ 22:28)
I have a request, could you make a version without the health that would be great for adding it to other mods as well, so you can use the mod with free roam as you mentioned the health bar could cause crashes so a second version without this mechanic would be great! Already tested it and love it!Download
a9108d-Elite Interceptor Pack v3.2.rar (Size: 3.62MB) Latest Version
fbac04-Elite Interceptor Pack v3.1.rar (Size: 3.62MB) Old Version
d8af2e-Elite Interceptor Pack v3.0.rar (Size: 3.62MB) Old Version
5035f0-Elite Interceptor Pack v3.0.rar (Size: 3.62MB) Old Version
1e1366-Elite Interceptor Pack v2.5.rar (Size: 3.59MB) Old Version
2750f1-Elite Interceptor Pack v2.4.rar (Size: 3.59MB) Old Version
896a0a-Elite Interceptor Pack v2.3.rar (Size: 3.59MB) Old Version
dd04c0-Elite Interceptor Pack v2.2.1.rar (Size: 3.59MB) Old Version
5a1bb1-Elite Interceptor Pack v2.2.rar (Size: 3.59MB) Old Version
9197ae-Elite Interceptor Pack v2.1.rar (Size: 3.35MB) Old Version
abed17-Elite Interceptor Pack v2.0.rar (Size: 3.35MB) Old Version
83db1a-Elite Interceptor Pack v1.2.rar (Size: 3.35MB) Old Version
92afae-Elite Interceptor Pack v1.1.rar (Size: 3.35MB) Old Version
7263f7-Elite Interceptor Pack.rar (Size: 3.34MB) Old Version
8a2548-Elite Interceptor Pack.rar (Size: 3.34MB) Old Version