Project Palmont

v1.6.2 FIX
Small fixes for guys which still can't run the game with PP v1.6.2,
and some little improvements like better damage texture,
better car flames, and frame limiter inside dxvk.conf for guys which needed it.
- If you are lazy for manual installation, just use version 1.6.2 with included visual fixes, just replace files.
Patch v1.6.1
- Small patch for fix some weird materials reflections
Run Binary> Select Modder mode> type new negate texturepacks\PP_v1.6\textures.bin in command line>
click run command> select PP_V1.6 in "TPKBlocks">select options and choose "Import from folder">
now select folder witch patch and import textures with "Synchronize" method>
After finish process save file.
v1.6.0 (C/W2C) changelist:
- Replaced every road, drift track, grass, trees, dirt and etc textures (taked from Plak Graphics Designer Edition).
- Added exclusive grey sky shader.
- Added exclusive additional motion blur controller
(PPBlurController.asi takes values from CarbonBlurControllerSettings.json).
- Added custom clouds/flares textures in HQ resoluton.
- From now pack includes textures for W2C and vanilla Carbon in one file.
(if your game not have W2C map mod, PP v1.6 will automaticly use only needed Carbon textures for replace)
- Included latest DXVK and special version of Hyperlinked.asi for correct memory usage and disabled flare rotation.
- Fixed/improved missing textures from previous patches.
v1.5.0 (W2C) changelist:
- Fixed glitch when player doing fall from cliff (by HellRaven EXP).
- Added new textures for rocks, hills, desert.
- Fixed missing textures.
- Now all previous small patches included to that one.
- Replaced drift track texture.
- Cleaned some unused stuff.
- Improved shaders compatibility (by HellRaven EXP).
- Added various scripts for better look/compatibility.
- This patch uses bigger amount of memory then before!
v1.4.2 (W2C) changelist:
- Added CustomVT (exclusive version by HellRavenEXP).
Credits to Xan & HellRavenEXP.
v1.4.1 (W2C) changelist:
- Added hyreplinked.asi with disabled flare rotation.
Credits to MaxHwoy - Hyperlinked (modified to remove flare rotation by osdever).
v1.4 (W2C) changelist:
- Removed snow from Rockport's Golf Course
- Fixed some mistakes like missing textures from previous versions
v1.3 (W2C) changelist:
- Rockport now have same road textures as Palmont (better quality)
- Fixed road reflections.
- Full .json rework.
- Replaced/deleted/added big amount of textures.
- Changed grass.
- Less memory usage (DXVK still needed).
v1.2 (W2C) changelist:
- Added support for W2C.
- Download switched to MediaFire and Sharedmods because Google drive doing download not possible.
ShareMods link:
v1.1.1 changelist:
- Fixed download link (lol).
v1.1 changelist:
- Road textures downscaled to 4K from 8K for better сompatibility.
- 8K/4K road textures from NFS MW 2012;
- HD plants and other objects;
- Improved scenery textures;
- …and more!
Project Palmont includes DXVK to optimize resource usage and add texture filtering and downsampling. If you’re experiencing performance issues with it, please remove dxvk.conf from your game folder.
WARNING: Project Palmont needs a more powerful PC than the base game. You need at least 4GB of VRAM and patched 4GB NFSC.exe to play comfortably.
If you have other heavy texture mods (like 4K Vinyls), it’s recommended to remove or disable them.
Join our Discord for more info and troubleshooting!
Special thanks to ARCHIE for RoadReflectionControl script, CiPHER for trees textures, and R033 for TexWizard!

G1D30N (February 01, 2025 @ 03:08)
Also when i try install better_flames.nfsms from 1.6.2 Fix i got these errors:
G1D30N (February 01, 2025 @ 02:58)
1.6.2 - When i try to install (Binary file) shows 6 errors: Fix - When i try to install (Binary file) shows additional 2 errors:
I used CLEAN 1.4 version of carbon without any other mods.

Djet0954 (November 20, 2024 @ 13:50)
I can't play with mod normally because my vulkan driver ver is 1.2, not 1.3 and above. I tried to use this with older dxvk which is compattible with my current vulkan driver version, but I see pixels appearing randomly in some display area. Can you make the version with old vulkan ver compattible GPUs?
William (October 23, 2024 @ 00:29)
@BaigoSIlva No, just 1.6.2 (which is the current, and easier to install)Seems like this damn mod doesn't like sky mods; the few I've tried crash the game, and the one brought by P.P, is some plain gray sky that looks like nothing, not even a cloudy evening.
Unless it is me, who is doing something wrong, I would believe this is done to 'compel' people to buy his 'Project Palmont Extras'.

BaigoSilva (October 22, 2024 @ 04:43)
I need to download all versions ?Download
2315e6-1.6.2 FIX download (Size: 316 bytes) Latest Version
48474d-1.6.2 FIX download link.7z (Size: 146 bytes) Old Version
0d998c-Project Palmont v1.6.2 download links.7z (Size: 349 bytes) Old Version
a48fd9-Patch 1.6.1 download link.7z (Size: 270 bytes) Old Version
a72f93-Project Palmont v1.6 download (Size: 411 bytes) Old Version
be9df8-Project Palmont v1.6 downlkoad (Size: 411 bytes) Old Version
e89b9e-Project Palmont v1.5 download (Size: 323 bytes) Old Version
a118e9-CustomVT (PP 1.4.2 VisualTreatment patch).zip (Size: 22.94KB) Old Version
20380a-Hyperlinked (PP 1.4.1 flares patch).zip (Size: 161.82KB) Old Version
63105e-Project Palmont v1.4 download (Size: 322 bytes) Old Version
d2c967-Project Palmnont v 1.3 download (Size: 326 bytes) Old Version
7c7558-Project Palmnont v 1.3 download (Size: 326 bytes) Old Version
b3ea4d-Project Palmont v1.2 download (Size: 266 bytes) Old Version
b10f78-Project Palmont v1.1.1 download (Size: 244 bytes) Old Version
dd01a5-Project Palmont v1.1 download (Size: 158 bytes) Old Version
0e01c3-Project Palmont v1.0 download (Size: 216 bytes) Old Version