8K & 4K Remade Textures V2.01 [NFS MW] by CaptainTany, Awentador, DBRiver94, LaDida and XGAMER

Category: Textures | Game: Need for Speed: Most Wanted

8K & 4K Remade Textures V2.01 [NFS MW]

This is a work in progress texture mod for Most Wanted. The mod uses Xbox 360 Stuff 3.2 Beta's NextGenGraphics.asi to replace the textures so you will need it to install this mod.
-->Mainly right now it covers all of the roads, some sidewalks, cliffs, the whole golf course, grass, beach textures, dirt textures, beautiful vegetation textures by @awentador and some more but there's more to come.

IMPORTANT: Install a 4GB Patch for Most Wanted before installing this pack to avoid crashes you can easily find it on google. And yes because this pack is heavy it could crash while using HEAVY Reshade presets at the startup. Install this mod on a clean copy ONLY if you're experiencing strange bugs or issues related to textures.

NOTE:- I do not recommend using Zolika's Zmenu trainer with this mod or the 360 mod. As I've observed and confirmed that my mod runs fine at 60FPS+ most of the time when not using Zmenu trainer. Zmenu TANKS the performance and it kept my FPS at 45 avg. while on beach area, in Rockport city and some other areas suffered too and couldn't ever reach 60FPS in game.
In update V2 screenshots, i have turned off motion blur, used Toru.fx's custom reshade Visual Treatment shader present in 360 Stuff 3.2 mod and used custom timeofday lighting (to make the reshade VT more accurate like Xbox 360) through Vlted which was also provided by Awentador. So keep that in mind if you think that your game doesn't look like mine.

Installation of the latest V2 Update:-
1. You'll need NFS MW Black Edition v1.3.
2. Install 4GB patch. Pretty simple just launch it and select where your Most Wanted base game folder is and select the nfs.exe.
3. Install Xbox 360 stuff 3.2 beta mod. I've used the easy installation method.
4. Install all the essential mods like widescreen fix, hd content support, hd reflections, extra options, 1024x vinyls and upscaled HUD and UI etc.
5. Just copy the folders "FRONTEND" & "NextGenGraphics" to your base game directory and replace files when prompted. Enjoy!

Installation of v1.1:
To install the pack just go into the NextGenGraphics folder->TexturePacks->Xbox 360 Look-> And extract both Textures folder and TextureInfo.json file in the 8k Remade Textures.zip file and replace. The TextureInfo.json file is necessary to replace because I remade a few textures which were not present in the 3.2 Beta mod but were a major part of the world like the player's safehouse exterior floor texture.

Update V2 Changelog:-
- All new roads, pavements, cliffs and grass textures which looks even more closer to the original 360 textures but in higher resolution to give it that HD remastered look and keep the Most Wanted aesthetic intact .
- So many signs, ADS are added to this update upgrading the look of the game even more. All thanks to DiabetesRiver94, LaDida, XGAMER and Awentador (all of them are on Elaymm's Discord server).
- Added more ground textures which completes the remake and 99% of textures that are visible on ground that you can drive on have been remade. This includes the docks/aircraft carrier area, the boardwalks, the sewers and some remaining ground textures.
- There is an alternate version of trees available in the "Alternate Trees" folder if you want the old greenish/yellowish trees and a Dead tree texture of the previous version. I turned them dark brown to keep the OG look.
- New bus texture added. A particularly hard to make/find texture was of the travel Buses. So I kept Awentador's bus texture to have them look Hi res and highly detailed.
- Also lastly, new clouds! You can always use the cloud textures present in the Xbox 360 Stuff mod if you like the original clouds more.

Update 1.1 Changelog:-
A few new textures have been added but the MAJOR change is the introduction of the 4K version of the textures for better loading and performance.

Credits:- @awentador for the vegetation and all the creators of the Xbox 360 Stuff 3.2 Beta mod.
Screenshots of V1
Screenshots of V2


CaptainTany (October 10, 2024 @ 19:39)
@Turkifier the 360 stuff mod and using 2.25xDL can cause this problem. Try to install it in an order like Base game>Essential script mods>360 stuff mod> then UI, HUD and Vinyl 1024x mod and then replace the textures on a clean copy. I get 55 - 60+ fps when I followed this method. I have a Ryzen 3 3300X and a 2060 Super with 16GB DDR4 so yeah you should try and install it in the order above. Your PC is already bottlenecked by your monitor paired with a 3080 but yes that obviously shouldn't be a problem.

Turkifier (October 05, 2024 @ 10:15)
Just tested without this mod—only with the 360 stuff mod—the FPS was still low. I guess this mod isn't the main source of this problem.

Turkifier (October 04, 2024 @ 14:18)
I have an RTX 3080 coupled with an R5 3600. After applying the mod, I can't get a constant 60+ FPS. Is that normal? Could it be a CPU bottleneck? I'm on a 1080p monitor running the game at 2.25x DL.

[Deleted Account] (October 02, 2024 @ 21:13)
Delete empty space after mod description on this site!!! Thanks

CaptainTany (October 02, 2024 @ 03:40)
@RUSAN52 It's just some leftover I think. That file is not mine it's awentador's and I didn't include it in the TextureInfo.json file.

Uploaded on February 06, 2024 at 10:04:48.
Last updated on October 10, 2024 at 19:31:39.


8bf3f9-8K Remade Textures V2.01.rar (Size: 759 bytes) Latest Version
8bebbc-Link to 8K V2 Textures.rar (Size: 518 bytes) Old Version
4cba83-8K & 4K Remade Textures 1.1.zip (Size: 934 bytes) Old Version