Complete Police Variety Enhancement

Heres a list of what things that this mod has to offer:
- Amplified Police Siren Sounds
- Any Cop Can go over 230 mph
- Cops Got a lot more tactical and aggressive
- Buffed the spike block roablock chances
- Added Handbrake and Pit chances
- Killswitch Jammer is Recommended and wont be useless anymore
- Un Nerfed Helicopters (At Least 5 minutes of gasoline and a 60 second cooldown)
- You get extra repairs (why not? you should be able to fight back instead of balling up on the floor and dying lol)
- Cops do more damage
- Added Local Police, State Troopers, Federal Units, and Cross
- Shaw, Eva, And Mercer Will be On you from even Heat level 1!
- At Night Both Professional and HSTF Units will be dispatched at the Max Heat
- Police got some new liveries
- Cops have same health as the player
- Toress, Cross and FBI Units Have Killswitch
- IN Endgame EVERYONE Version, There will be up to 100 Cops!
- Every Cop Has Mass set to 2200 making them effective in blocking you in
- Added SCPD Crown Vics and Charger Units
- Added High Version Of Day Pursuit Soundtrack To Night Replacing the Low boring Version Of The Night Pursuit Track (Thanks To Laura For The Idea)
Its much more fun trying to escape these cops under a 400+ rated vehicle or if you're crazy, beating the game from start to finish with this mod.
Improved All Nos Auxileries, you can go full nos setup and just speed away from these cops, but you run the risk of eating a lot of damage if you get hit or getting insta KS.
Improved The Damage Increase and reduction upgrades by 25-50%
Shaw And Toress Both have the Damage Increase upgrade while mercer will have the damage reduction upgrade.
3 Versions (use 1 at a time): Endgame Normal FBI Priority Endgame EVERYONE
Fixed Compatibility With Unite Where The Heat Meter Would Not Even Escalate at all. Now its fixed and is recommended to pair with unite as the cops will drive wayyyy better with it!
Fixed Compatibility With Unite,Remix, & Evolution. Removed K.S Kit from Cross and Equipped With Eva's Corvette instead. She now has the Black Carbon Fibre Paint to match the vibe of being the HSTF Elites With Shaw & Mercer. Removed Decepticon Charger and Replaced With A Federal Pursuit Camaro! Increased Police Lightbar Saturation and Radius. Made Heat Levels Last Longer so you don't Instantly Level Up To High Heat in a slow car on accident. Fixed Handling & Performance For All Antagonist Cop Cars! Made New Clean Red Hud Changes To Help Capture The Feeling Of Being In Danger By The Police. Shaw Is Now a Patrol Officer since in the story he likes to do things by himself.
6.5 Fixed A Bug Where Cops Didn't spawn a lot in races. Now They Spawn At Will in Races Depending The Heat Level! Changed FBI Corvette Into HSTF Federal Corvette With The Neon Blue Outlines. (However If you want The Other Federal Corvettes, Whether It is V6 Dark One Or Even MW05 White Corvette, They are an Optional Files That You Can Equip With This Mod. Also Re Added PRE NERF Launch Cops As Optional If you think CPVE is Too Hard.
7.0 Jumps Over Water are no longer a weakness for these cops. Can't just simply cheese these cops over jumps at the same locations over and over again. They Will A: Jump with you and won't get disabled. Or B: Find a smart way around the jump to get to you. Added New Miami PD and Neon Blue HSTF Liveries as an extra option in case people get tired of the MW Inspired Liveries. The Normal Version Of The Mod Won't Have as many Cops as EVERYONE & FBI Priority Versions For Stability and try to reduce the random clipping through traffic & other cop cars.

MilaSwiftlySenpai (May 22, 2024 @ 07:15)
Intentional Game Design. Police Sirens are loud irl
idgafijwtmitg (May 21, 2024 @ 16:30)
Police sirens are super loud fix itDownload
8972d4-CPVE 7.0 (Size: 240 bytes) Latest Version
f65ce1-Complete Police Variety Enhancement V6.5 (NFS Heat).zip (Size: 43.67MB) Old Version
6e5e94-Pre Nerf Launch (Size: 1.2MB) Old Version
974da1-Complete Police Variety Enhancement V6 (NFS Heat).zip (Size: 25.13MB) Old Version
46b8d4-Complete Police Variety Enhancement V5.1 (NFS Heat).zip (Size: 10.53MB) Old Version
8a3291-Complete Police Variety Enhancement V5.0 (NFS Heat).zip (Size: 10.51MB) Old Version
d18380-Complete Police Variety Enhancement V2.5 (NFS Heat).zip (Size: 12.55MB) Old Version