Category: Tools | Game: Any



An open source graphical interface for vault editing.

1. Download Attribulator 2.0.
2. Extract archive to any folder.
3. Extract OGVI archive to the same folder (agree to replace files).
4. Run OGVI.exe.
5. [Optional] Install .Net Core 3.1.

You are NOT allowed to distribute or reupload this tool.

Attribulator by NFSTools.
VaultLib by NFSTools .
WPFDarkTheme by REghZy .
VLT Hashes by 379felipe.

For any questions and details on how to use - join my Discord server.

Made by ARCHIE

Update 1.3:
- change_vault command now supports custom names.
- Added color picker.

Update 1.2:
- Fixed crash when searching and value enabled.
- Main window now saves it position and size.
- Script error window now includes file name and line number.
- Copy node command now promts a window to input new name.

Update 1.1:
- Fixed import window, when closed it no longer imports script.
- Fixed crash when editing optional field.


DiamondDog (June 16, 2024 @ 12:15)
I've been attempting to use OGVI to get [NFSC] Extra Customization working, but every time I try to import the install.nfsms modscript I get a bunch of "Invalid Script Line" errors (???)

Enryu208 (June 12, 2024 @ 09:32)
I already installed .net 3.1, but it still says i need it

Zhuan (June 04, 2024 @ 01:07)
Can anybody help me? I used it to install various mods on my need for speed pro street, but not a single one of them works. Maybe it's my NFS:PS that is the problem?

MSK86 (April 26, 2024 @ 21:33)
How do I install Vlt-Ed mods with OGVI? Since I started using OGVI, Vlt-Ed doesn't want to work

MiguelAmancio350zNFSFan (April 18, 2024 @ 06:33)
@s0und Sadly, no.

Uploaded at: February 11, 2024 @ 00:40


38a7bb-OGVI_1.3.zip (Size: 1.43MB) Latest Version
e46f0c-OGVI_1.2.zip (Size: 1.43MB) Old Version
0321af-OGVI_1.1.zip (Size: 1.43MB) Old Version