[NFS: C] Mazda RX-8

Car Name: Mazda RX-8 (SE3P)
Base Model: Need for Speed: Shift 2
Cost: 25.000
Change Log
- 28-02-24: Released
- 25-09-24: Minor UV & preset adjustment

Aftermarket Parts
- Bodykit: 25 custom bodykit
- Spoiler: 27 custom spoiler
- Hood: 18 custom hood
- Trunk: 3 custom trunk
- Interior: 3 custom interior
- Brakelight: 4 custom brakelight
- Headlight: 3 custom headlight
- Side Mirror: 2 custom mirror
Attachment Slots
- Roof Attchment
- Rear Window
- Audio
- Driver Seat
- Passanger Seat
- Steering Wheel

Fixed Vanilla Preset
Since this mod change most of customization part, this mod also include a preset fix for it
Custom Icon Option
If you need something new for the logo, this mod also include a custom Mazda & RX-8 logo (Thanks to d4nz3r)
Custom Mazda Logo

Custom RX-8 Logo

Make sure you already have Binary, OGVI (or VLT-Ed), & NFS: C Unlimiter installed. The installation is very easy.
1. Open your Binary & select "User Mode"
2. Choose "Binary Data Install.end"
3. Select your NFS Carbonara folder
4. Save, but don't run your game yet
5. Open your OGVI and then import the "VLT Data Install.nfsms"
6. Click install
7. Close the window & then save it
8. Don't forget to create a new save
9. Enjoy the mod :q

Q: Can I use Ed & Binary car addon together?
A: You better install the Ed car mod manually using Binary
Q: Can I include this car to my modpack?
A: Yes, make sure to Credit me
Q: Why my game randomly crashed after I install this mod?
AA: If you still using VLT-Ed, then that's your fault. This mod already tested & there's no random crash

- RisaDriftR (Kit material and beta tester)
- Viper4K (Viper customs kit)
- KenjaMago (Beta tester)
- EllisRacing (NFSMW HD Car Model Overhaul part)
- CiPHER (Installer bug report)
- CRiSIS (Beelzebub itasha)
- d4nz3r (Custom Mazda & RX-8 logo)
- Desanosan24 (Dream Killer livery)
- Raffi Joe Amstrong (Dream Killer livery material)
- Emosen (Liveries & Juiced 2 kit video)
- Archie (Extended Customization V3 info)
- TMCharly (ProStreet sticker stuffs)
- Despe (Attribulator info)
- KHN7 (Drift Spirits model)
- Someone else that I forgot lmao


jaces (March 05, 2025 @ 11:04)
I love the vynels could you make a vynels pack so that I could add them to other cars in my garage.
MorrisonGray (December 21, 2024 @ 07:10)
Installed Improvement Mod V2 before this, and now the default tires are missing, only default rims shows up...?Honestly it looks good.

And (October 30, 2024 @ 07:01)
pzh mozhesh' sdelat' mazduRX-8 osen'yu khochu uvidet' v NFSMW2012
ditya734 (July 30, 2024 @ 01:47)
bang buatkan lamborghini murcielago extended dong :))))