SSC Ultimate Aero Double Pack

- Body kits (3)
- Spoilers (18 Unique + Vanilla)
- Hoods (1) - carbon variant
- Roof (2) - Sideblade material or removal
- Roof scoops
- Rims (includes 1 unique custom paintable)
- Interior (40) - Color options
- Headlights (15) - Color options
- Taillights (13) - Color Options
- Brakes (15) - Caliper colors
Attachments (5 Slots):
Slot 1: Exhausts
Slot 2: Rear Bumper Grill
Slot 3: Rear Cover
Slot 4: Taillights
Slot 5: Headlight Housing
Slot 6: License Plate Location
- Performance
- Paint
- Vinyls
- Window Tint
- Custom Gauges
- None that I know of
Installation instructions are on the ReadMe file.
Permissions Granted:
1. To convert this mod into other games.
2. To impove this mod by adding more customization into the mod or improving performance.
3. To add this car into repacks such as Redux, Remasters, Pepega Mod, etc.
Blender - Software used to work with the model and create the mod.
GM25 - Real Racing 3, NFS Heat and NFS 2015 models
nfsu360 - NFS CarToolKit software used to export the model and textures into .bin files.
NFSAddons Reborn Discord Server - Helping me out during the creation of the mod.
WF4123 and Miles Dipperion - Help with UV mapping
Freeroam SparkServer - Base Model
Link to Unlimiter V4:
Note: For this mod to work properly, you must install Viper4K's modder resource/global textures pack first.