[RUN] Need for Speed The Run: Definitive Edition

Need for Speed The Run: Definitive Edition
This mod improves various game textures to make it look more appealing on modern-day computers, includes things such as:
- 8K and 16K HDRI skyboxes
- 4K Unreal Engine 5 lens dirt textures
- New and improved game world fog
- New high-resolution UI background textures
- New high-resolution UI elements
- Improved vinyls
- Improved and upscaled character textures
Version requirement:
Any version will work but is recommended
Thanks to Xan for his unlocker script
Known bugs:
- When alt-tabbing, if the game window loses focus, it won't get its focus back. It's a bug when Special K is injected into Frostbite engine games. Might be fixed in the future (by SK's team)
TRDE 1.2 Changelog:
- Fixed crashes during the first Run mission
- Added HD car manufacturer logos
- Upscaled pre-renders of Aston Martin and Volkswagen cars
- Moved Xan's scripts and the FPS unlocked executable to optional add-ons
- Used the latest version of SpecialK


god0yg4briel (January 31, 2025 @ 04:36)
the mod is working reasonably well, but the new textures don't seem to load
STELL (January 05, 2025 @ 23:03)
Obviously if the d3d11.ini file doesn't appear it's because you didn't start the game with the mod installed, you should get the error first and then the file will appear in the game folder :). Sorry for being late haha I didn't think I'd found a solution.
STELL (January 05, 2025 @ 22:59)
You must go into the game folder, locate the d3d11.ini file. Go into the file with notepad and do the following:You must look in [Window.System], and set Fullscreen=true (normally it will be false, that is why you set it to true). In addition to that, in [Display.Output], ForceFullscreen=true so that it is also true. And that's it, you modify that and save the file and run the game.

STELL (January 05, 2025 @ 22:55)
I have the solution for you, friends, for those who get the pop-up screen when starting the game on DirectX