[RUN] Need for Speed The Run: Definitive Edition by BadassBaboon

Category: Textures | Game: Need for Speed: The Run

[RUN] Need for Speed The Run: Definitive Edition

Need for Speed The Run: Definitive Edition

This mod improves various game textures to make it look more appealing on modern-day computers, includes things such as:
  • 8K and 16K HDRI skyboxes
  • 4K Unreal Engine 5 lens dirt textures
  • New and improved game world fog
  • New high-resolution UI background textures
  • New high-resolution UI elements
  • Improved vinyls
  • Improved and upscaled character textures

Version requirement:
Any version will work but is recommended

Thanks to Xan for his unlocker script

Known bugs:
  • When alt-tabbing, if the game window loses focus, it won't get its focus back. It's a bug when Special K is injected into Frostbite engine games. Might be fixed in the future (by SK's team)

TRDE 1.2 Changelog:
  • Fixed crashes during the first Run mission
  • Added HD car manufacturer logos
  • Upscaled pre-renders of Aston Martin and Volkswagen cars
  • Moved Xan's scripts and the FPS unlocked executable to optional add-ons
  • Used the latest version of SpecialK



MadHunter (April 27, 2024 @ 18:58)
It keeps on crashing at the very first beginning cutscene of the game where you get thrown into the container. After you're supposed to get into the white Audi it just goes black and freezes forever causing me to restart my whole PC. FIX?

Logisoc (April 25, 2024 @ 10:13)
Note: I was bashing my head against the wall last night trying to fix the DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE (even though it was supposed to be fixed with the latest version 1.2). If you have Rivatuner Statistics Server installed, close it or add the EXE file and set Application Detection Level to "None".

razeN (April 24, 2024 @ 09:54)
DirectX function "threadsafeSetFullscreenState(false)" failed with DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAIBLE: The requested functionality is not supported by the device or the driver.. ERROR.... How can i fix that ?

teobooser18 (April 22, 2024 @ 14:04)
So without the dll. the game started with no issues, but of course, the mod itself did not work, but as soon as I started a stage in the story the game crashed with or without the dll. I don't really know what to do at this point.

Darekptr (April 21, 2024 @ 13:00)
Just like teobooser18, the game starts without focus, it does not respond to keyboard clicks (but it does when pressed with a gamepad, but only when the "Press start" prompt appears). There is also no sound due to this. Of course, the game did not start at first (crash on the boot screen, but there is focus and full screen), starting the game without it, playing anything and inserting the .dll back causes this effect.

Uploaded on March 13, 2024 at 13:34:43.
Last updated on March 26, 2024 at 12:25:23.