NFS Underground Remastered UI

This mod gives the user interface (UI) a modern and high-quality look
- Open "Part1" folder then copy and paste "scripts" and "TexturePacks" folders to your game files/location
- Open Binary 2.8.3 and click on "User Mode" then find "Part2" folder and click on "Install.end" file. Select your game folder/directory and wait for the process to finish (Binary may freeze), then save files
- Run the game
- Can I use this mod in my modpack?
Yes, but you have to credit me and your modpack must be free
- Can I distribute or reupload this mod?
- Why did you use TexWizard for UI only?
This mod was mainly made using Binary (about 90%). However, when I tried to modify the InGameB.LZC file (part of the UI) with Binary, it caused the game to crash on the loading screen, so I decided to use TexWizard for it, which is only 10% of the entire stuff
- Can I use 2 (or more) TexWizard mods at the same time?
- Update 1.3:
Small fixes and improvements
- Update 1.2:
Added several textures
- Update 1.1:
Added parts of the UI in high quality that weren't present in the first version of the mod
- MaxHwoy for Binary
- R-033 and nlgxzef for TexWizard
- chaiNNer-org for chaiNNer
- VileStuff for providing useful information
Side by side comparison


Plajer (January 13, 2025 @ 17:53)
I tested it and the rearview mirror works with my Remastered UI mod and HD reflections. When you are in race open menu then options, display and set rearview mirror to on
jm511 (January 13, 2025 @ 06:00)
I can't enable my rearview mirror when using the HD Reflections mod with this mod. Can it be fixed?
Plajer (August 25, 2024 @ 09:21)
@VileStuff I upscaled reputation stars once but they scale with the resolution which cover text and it looks bad in general so I will leave them as they are. I will take a look at 45CORNER, LOADING_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_BG and other textures. Maybe I will drop some update in next month ;)
VileStuff (August 25, 2024 @ 05:05)
Also, the reputation star on the customization screen. There might be a few more textures that still aren't covered.