Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics

Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics
The Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics is a ModScript is designed to improve the difficulty and dynamics of the chases in Need for Speed: Most Wanted, providing a more challenging and satisfying experience. The modification includes several changes, such as adjustments to the AI of the police vehicles, improvements to the pursuit levels for a more balanced progression, and the inclusion of new police units and tactics that make the chases more interesting.
Summary of modifications:
- "Aivehicle" Data: The maximum speed and acceleration of the patrol cars have been adjusted so they don't fall behind so easily.
- "Ecar" Data: Small details have been corrected, such as the camera type assigned to the copsuvl vehicles.
- "Pursuitlevels" Data: The difficulty progression has been rebalanced, making the challenge more consistent and increasing the difficulty in several aspects. New units have been added to each pursuit level (heat), including more police SUVs and new tactical formations.
- "Pursuitsupport" Data: More aggressive support has been added, with helicopters and police SUVs now appearing more frequently and more aggressively.
- "Pvehicle" Data: Minor adjustments have been made, such as modifying the weight of heavy vehicles and changing some sounds.
- A uniform amount of fields has been added to the nodes to make it easier for other users to edit the templates to their liking.
- A clean uninstaller has been created, which restores all the data modified by the mod to its original factory state.
How To Install:
- 1) Download NFS-VltEd v4.6 or newer.
- 2) Launch NFS-VltEd.
- 3) File -> Import -> ModScript -> Enhanced_Pursuit_Dynamics_NFSMW.nfsms
- 4) Read the options, select what you want, and install.
- 5) File -> save.
This is for translation.:
- Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics.
- The Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics is a ModScript that focuses on enhancing and enriching the experience of police pursuits within the game. (Remember to use the scrollbar to scroll down and see all the available options.)
- Install the mod with the corresponding difficulty or uninstall the mod to revert to the base game's default settings. (Does not restore previously installed mods)
- Easy: Slightly better than the original, but not as satisfying or challenging.
- Normal: More satisfying and challenging, great for replayability.
- Hard: Now it’s a real challenge, suitable for veteran players.
- Original: Uninstall.
Things to keep in mind:
- 1) You must start a new game for the mod to work correctly.
- 2) Read carefully what the installer says, and if you have any questions, ask in the comments.

Do whatever you want with the mod, I didn't create the game or its codes, all I did was modify some values in NFS-VltEd to make the game the way I like it, and I'm just sharing it with you. I don't understand why that should have copyright.

HectorDreemur16 (January 14, 2025 @ 14:38)
@NioRoka I never used NFS Attrib Loader, but I would say it doesn't work. Maybe you need to copy all the commands from my modscript, meaning take what you need and create a new .nfsms file compatible with NFS Attrib Loader.To create the file, you could install VLT-ED, enable the "store mod commands" option, install the mod normally but without saving, copy the generated commands, paste them into a .nfsms file, and then load that into NFS Attrib Loader. Could it work like that?

NioRoka (January 01, 2025 @ 21:50)
Does this and/or the Rivals Unleashed mod work with the NFS Attrib Loader? Or is using VltEd mandatory?
HectorDreemur16 (October 08, 2024 @ 23:06)
@Lavidesimple Thank you for letting me know there's an issue with the lights. I think I know what it is, I'll see if I can fix it. :)
Lavidesimple (September 28, 2024 @ 04:51)
The CopAiFix makes police vehicles disappear in races or their lights no longer shine (at least from what I’ve seen in the dday or pre-race). Taking advantage of this comment, you can change only the nodes in VLTED based on the script editor without saving the mod. Oh, and the problem with Ronnie BL 3 doesn’t need to be changed. BL 14-8 both in the first level
Lavidesimple (September 27, 2024 @ 22:50)
Como hubo un problema con la Blacklist 3, les recomiendo poner hasta 0.90 en su race_bin. Y también desde la Blacklist 14-7 pongan en el Enhanced difficulty selector en el nivel 1 para BL y racers. Como data pueden jugar carreras de la blacklist pasada para que no se queden sin pasta.Download
703884-Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics v4.rar (Size: 62.18KB) Latest Version
f0de5e-Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics v3.1.rar (Size: 58.3KB) Old Version
bf9020-Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics v3.rar (Size: 58.25KB) Old Version
be4b94-Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics v2.1.rar (Size: 12.78KB) Old Version
12455f-NFSMW Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics v2.rar (Size: 12.56KB) Old Version
5739f8-NFSMW Enhanced Pursuit Dynamics v1.rar (Size: 161.67KB) Old Version