Custom Japanese Speedometer by ArthurLopes

Category: Interfaces | Game: Need for Speed: Heat

Custom Japanese Speedometer

Custom design for the game's speedometer. Made in Photoshop and heavily inspired by the dials manufactured by Illumaesthetic.

Available for both Imperial and Metric unit systems. It will not work with UNITE and other mod packs unless you add their respective "Restore HUD" add-ons to your mod profile and then add this speedometer on top of it.

I actually made this 3 years ago but kept it to myself, randomly decided to touch it up and put it out in the wild.

Metric system preview.

Imperial system preview.


DALZER (July 01, 2024 @ 15:01)
this is the best speedometer so far , i really like it ! ^_^

ArthurLopes (June 29, 2024 @ 03:00)
I'm glad you liked it! My discord tag is rokkudayo.

VeeTec (June 29, 2024 @ 02:32)
I love your works! But I can't play any Ghost-Criterion NFS cuz of my ancient PC xD Would you mind sending the psd? I wanna try port your HUD to MW & Carbon... Do you have a Discord account?

ArthurLopes (June 27, 2024 @ 19:29)
For Unbound it would be a bit complicated since there's more going on with it, for Carbon, I have no idea how to use those custom speedometer frameworks, but if anyone is interested in porting it to other games just hit me up and I'll hook you with the PSD file for it.

DeFy (June 27, 2024 @ 18:44)
unbound when :3

Uploaded at: June 24, 2024 @ 04:49