NFS High Stakes Handling Mod

Inside you'll find 2 folders:
-Optional AI
To install the mod, copy the CARS folder
Go to your game's main installation directory (usually C:/Program Files/EA Games/NFS High Stakes/)
Paste the CARS folder inside DATA, replace when asked to.
Now all the cars will have updated handling.
The idea of this mod is to provide proper car behavior under an Arcade layer, you'll have to brake, but not as much as a sim like Porsche Unleashed or Motor City, nor like a sim-cade. Cars do spin out, do have weight transfers, but some of them you can take turns by laying off the gas and stepping on the brakes.
Its meant to be easy to pick up and play for everyone.
Also please do try this mod online and provide feedback for each car!
========KNOWN ISSUES========
A) The AI is really damn slow!
This happens because of the high lateral acceleration grip multiplier, making the AI unable to race properly. Inside the "Optional AI" are 2 workarounds i was testing to potentially fix this issue, what happens is, NFS High Stakes reads cars with FEDATA entries inside the CAR.VIV, so when you paste those two folders (AI1 and AI2) inside of the CARS folder, the game will read the vehicles and set them as AI, but the player will also have access to them. This is highly experimental and im going to work on it overtime.
B) The Diablo Sucks!
For some reason, the Lamborghini Diablo has some of the strangest values in the game to modify, my workaround was to just copy the Ferrari F50's data into the base stage Diablo, meaning the car will drive fine without any upgrades, once upgraded, it becomes vanilla handling. This will be fixed in the future
C) Police is not updated!
Point A) issues, altho the AI police is set in the TRAFFIC folder so i'll be able to easily fix this in the future.
pete9516 at Retro NFS Discord server for providing a template and help
METEOR at Retro NFS Discord server for providing help
AJ_Lethal for his site and info about car IDs
r/NFS and RG folks for playtesting it up

XOF (September 12, 2024 @ 14:41)
I don't even remember for how long I wished for this game's physics to be somewhat improved or fixed(i always wished for psx physics, but this'll do just fine, you're a lifesaver.)