Need for Speed Underground Multi 10 languages selector mod

Need for Speed Underground with Multilingual cutscene and speech dub plus language changer mod.
Cutscene and speech dub files are extracted from various region and language of PC version Underground, particularly the US version, EU version, Taiwan version and Japanese version.
BONUS: Japanese PS2 version J-Tune font also available.
Available languages:
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Dutch
- Swedish
- Korean
- Traditional Chinese
- Japanese
Unfortunately Russian is not included due to the language script doesn't include Russian in it.
Either US version, Taiwan version or a Japanese version Need for Speed Underground will work, EU version might not be compatible due to PAL not compatible with NTSC issue.
Just extract the archive to your Need for Speed Underground. For language change, go to script folder and edit NFSU_JPSupport.ini.
Special Thanks
- Xan1242's NFSU JP Support.
- DALZER for dragging me into here.