Ultimate Speed Enforcement by Mila SwiftlySenpai

Category: Miscellaneous | Game: Need for Speed: Unbound

Ultimate Speed Enforcement

Makes Pursuits Very Difficult (At least on intense mode, Difficulties Actually Take Effect on how good Cops Are.)
All Heat Levels Will Have A Helicopter and Every Unit has a new paint job
Every Heat level has More Reinforcement Waves Before Leveling up to the next level!
Heat level = Number Of Reinforcements Before leveling up. Example Heat 4 = 4 Reinforcements Before LVL5

Every Heat Level Also Has a Chance Of Cross Showing Up.

Heat 1 and 2 will just have plenty of SCPD crown vics + Explorers to go around.

Heat 3 Will have Crown Vics, And Chargers with a chance of Shaw Joining.

Heat 4 will have Mercer, Undercover Crown Vics, Undercover Chargers and Shaw.

Heat 5 will be the FBI and Swat Trucks Joining The Pursuit with Shaw, Mercer, And Cross!

Heat 5 maxes out and only the fastest will come (Less heavy Swat Units & MORE SPEED Enforcement Units)
NEW Police Cars From VOL 8 Like Skyline, Cross C6 And Porsche 911 Undercover Police Car Will Show Up At Heat 5!

Unite Compatible! Infact This Mod Works at its absolute best when paired with unite!

For The Best Possible Experience, Play On Intense Mode

Optional Version: Ultimate Speed Enforcement Heat 5 Loop Cycle

At Heat 5, There is a reinforcement loop cycle allowing the police to send out multiple variety of units. Some Reinforcements will be heavy units spawn bias while others will be fast speed enforcement bias. Some Speed Enforcement waves will also be bias on undercover feds or feds with a roof siren. This is all to make sure you get a good variety of The Fastest Speed Enforcement Units on heat 5!
***Be Warned this has a rare chance to crash the game if reinforcements are spawning while already having a ton of cops in pursuit!!***

TO Install Just Import To Frosty Mod Manager Either Add Mods In the App or Copy And PASTE The mod in Mods Folder.


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Uploaded on August 29, 2024 at 02:47:44.
Last updated on September 04, 2024 at 01:09:03.


404789-Ultimate Speed Enforcement Heat 5 Loop Cycle 8.1.zip (Size: 27.11MB) Latest Version
c5deb6-Ultimate Speed Enforcement Normal 8.1.zip (Size: 27.11MB) Old Version
64f65a-Ultimate Speed Enforcement Heat 5 Loop Cycle.zip (Size: 27.11MB) Old Version