Formula E

This car is converted from Real Racing 3 and replaces Lotus Elise.
Customization and tuning:
- Performance
- Visuals
- Spoilers (liveries, 41!; Sport spoilers - season 2017\2018, Tuner spoilers - season 2016\2017)
- Rims (rim colors from real teams; use 5Zigen 5ZR 17'-20' or 5Zigen FN01R 19'-20' rims)
- NFS UC Driver model
- Working brakelights
- LOD parts
- New performance data
- HD logo
- Scratches
- New hood cam(1st person)
Firstly, It's experimental conversion, without ExtraOptions it will work, but not very good (ghost bug with 2 and more opponents).
Second, since all liveries moved to spoiler section and added new rims, game can be crashed (rare) if tried to change rims or spoilers. In race and sometimes in garage you can see AI cars with Formula E body (appears if your Formula E car have the same spoiler, as on AI car).
Third, NOS and induction is disabled(it's electric car and i'm not from Gameloft team to add nos for electric cars). If your game crashed while loading savegame, run game without modloader and remove all Lotus Elise from garage and my cars)
1.Unpack all files.
2.Copy ADDONS, scripts folder and dll file from Main files folder to NFS Most Wanted directory
2.1.Copy scripts folder and dll file from ExtraOptions v8 folder to NFS Most Wanted directory(skip this step if you already have ExtraOpt v8 or newer). Open settings(ini file) and set 1 to ExpandMemoryPools.
3. Run the game with Modloader
Firemonkeys - mesh & textures
nlgzrgn - ExtraOptions
arushan - NFSMW ModTools
Oleg Melashenko - ZModeler 1.0.7.& 2.2.5
Eclipse 72rus aka CorvetteZ06 - converting to NFS MW