Dodge Tomahawk (Addon)

NOTICE: This mod was made as a fun little experiment and if you ever intend to install this, it is heavily advised to lower your expectations as you are installing a motorcycle mod for a game that is centered around cars. Some bugs will present and a proper workaround is not available for the time being.
Update v1.0.1:
-Minor ride height fix
-Vinyls (Available in 512x and 1024x)
-Custom Gauges
-Available after beating JV
-Costs 150000
-Scratches included
-Ed and Binary support
-Modscript compatible with both NFS-VltEd and OGVI (Just ignore the error warnings)
Known issues:
-The default steering angle in main menus makes the bike look weird and cannot be adjusted (unless it was edited using ExtraOptions)
-Rear wheels will clip through the rear fender upon reaching high speeds
-Weird reflections on the front and the rear of the bike
-The bike cannot lean
-Hitbox is still sorta car-sized
-Driver model is static
-The performance might not be as expected, mainly due to the bike having a 2-speed transmission. Just like its real-life counterpart.
Minor issues:
-No wheelies
-Can't do tricks
-Vanilla vinyls might look weird when applied
-Included in the .zip
A VERY huge thanks to rybetasz for exporting the model from Asphalt 8
Driver models - Vee-Tec
Performance data - KenjaMago