Heat Evolution

Welcome back to Palm City. This is Need for Speed: Heat enhanced, featuring various upgrades across the board to deliver the definitive racing experience.

Improved AI
The backbone of the entire racing experience is on the AI, and this mod improves both cop and racer AI across the board - from more competitive opponents to elevated police strategies.
New Lighting
All VisualEnvironments (VEs) and interior areas have been given a complete overhaul, improving upon the game's visuals while simultaneously keeping that distinctive Need for Speed: Heat feel. These improvements also fix some of the game's core graphical issues, which should make things more pleasing to the eye.
More Customization
Your car is center stage: Now there are more ways to play with it. All hidden parts for eligible cars can now be equipped, new license plates and brake calipers spice things up in detail, and brand-new engine swaps are now available, allowing you to mix up your build even further - or create a totally new monster.
Enhanced Global Audio
Hear your car sing! Audio improvements have been done across the board, with forged engines now receiving their own unique notes to make them distinct from their non-forged counterparts.
Quality of Life
Of course, this wouldn't be an Evolution of Heat without some essential quality of life improvements. This includes fixes to several bugged headlight/taillight models, improvements to road reflections, updated textures across Palm City, and fixing stance tuning across all eligible cars.

Story Compatibility
For those interested in playing Need for Speed Heat's story with Heat Evolution we have you covered. The Heat Evolution story pack comes with our story compatible mod that allows new and old players to have the Evo experience with the game's story. Don't worry, you won't lose access to any of the upgrades and improvements we made to the mod if you are playing the story. The only difference here is the story compatible mod comes with fine tuned police and AI that are more in tune with the various performance spec'd cars you will be using while playing the story.
Online Compatibility
Heat Evolution is online compatible by using our online pack to give players the best online experiences while using the mod. You won't get banned using the mod online so go and have some fun!

Evolution Works Team
aSwift, Jzborder, Clxbsport, Pottis, Rattler, James, Elaymm4, Brawltendo, NFSLYY, Yorpie, Mint, Ilovephishing/ Ifuckingloveairconditioning, Laurabodwig303, Konix, Marcoaskal, 7ndrew
Evolution Works Testers
Ziimbiian, Izzytastics, Dcompton1017, Cringeneeringadepti, Adamshea, D13g0v5, Neo_Noisebomb, Recxfx, Chromatm
Heat Evolution 1.0
- New and improved AI racers with new racer names
- New and improved cop mechanics with new wraps
- New lighting and skyboxes for midday, early morning, overcast, and night
- New overcast garage with updated garage art
- Updated speedo that is closer to the beta
- Updated mini map to be colorful
- New tire lettering, license plates, license plate frame textures
- New mission POI textures
- New billboard textures
- New lobby, dealer, virtual warehouse lighting
- Updated the rep and cash outputs in the game especially for level 3 and 5 Heat races
- Red Bull 370Z Added to the dealer
- Cars in the mod have all extra and hidden parts if they have any
- Car part restrictions are gone and are removable when customizing
- Updated brake caliper textures and text
- Added extra brake brands and calipers on all cars
- Improved and updated sounds
- Improved forged engine sounds over non forged for the RX7, R34, 2JZ, and 180SX
- New engine swaps on all cars
- New added engines to the game: FR9 Ford NASCAR (5.8L V8), Forged Toyota 2JZ-GTE (3.0L Inline 6), Toyota 2JZ-GTE (3.0L Inline 6), Toyota 4A-G Formula Atlantic (1.6L Inline 4), VW EA390 VR6 (3.2L V6), Toyota 3S-GTE (2.0L Inline 4), Mercedes-Benz M120 (6.0L V12), Toyota 1LR-GUE (4.8L V10), Chrysler HEMI Supercharged (6.2L V8), BMW S85B50 (5.0 V10)
- Updated the stats and parts for the newly added engines
- Custom tails for the RX-7, R32 GTR, and Honda NSX
- QoL fixes
Heat Evolution 1.1
- Tweaked Ai Cop speeds
- Buffed all Chaser traits
- Added Interception points for Cop Ai
- Lowered the attack timer for all heat
- Slightly improved Rhino steering
- Buffed the Cop NOS
- Slightly nerfed all fallback logic
- Based on community feedback we reverted the camera changes back to vanilla
- Updated transmissions for the P1, P1 GTR, F1, LaFerrari, FXXK Evo, Vulcan, and Huayra due to weird behavior when using an automatic transmission
- Minor QoL fixes
Heat Evolution 1.1.01 Hotfix
- Removed the Palm tree lighting at night since it was causing people to crash giving them an Access violation - code c0000005 error
- Reverted the nos cam back to vanilla
- Minor QoL fixes
Heat Evolution 1.1.1
- Removed all Nightriderz stuff from the mod
- Fixed garage lighting that was broken
- Scaled back AI racers since they were a little too fast at times
- Updated the M3 GTR default stance to be the UB one
- Updated car lighting and traffic lighting
- Brought back the palm tree lighting as we resolved the crashing issue
- Minor QoL fixes

Zdravo (November 28, 2024 @ 12:20)
Amazing mod! I'm loving it so far. The visuals seem to have some anti aliasing improvements, looks smoother and nicer.Also the M3 GTR sounds amazing, did you update that? Has a more realistic raspier sound to it.