Undercover Crown Victoria

How to install?
Put the files VEH_380243_MS.BIN in the VEHICLES folder in the game library and you are set! Incase if u want to go back to vanilla car, i have a backup folder with it
Imported the car from DGI's tool. Credit to DGlorio for the Plugin and the docs. Thanks to Enthuse and LassTempest for the guide!
- It's visual to YOU, only you can see the car looks like that.
- Untouch Performance
Known issues:
- Rear lights and Reverse lights have weird reflects. It was already from vanilla car as far i see
- Blender 3.6
- DGlorio - NFSHPR Exporter
Update 1:
- Add one more version without the Bullbar
- Fixed weird reflections map in the car. It should look fine now.
Update 2:
- Clean Version (No Tech, siren, bulbar and the silly searchlights)
- Full tech (everything there except the siren)
- Both car got siren lights reposition to make it look cooler
- Untouch Performance (My mod won't have performance changes, if you feel so let me know so i can run a test real quick)
So i think that's pretty much it for the Vic, 10-4. Any suggestions (no requests to make other cars please) or bugs let me know down in the comments. ^_^
VIDEO SHOWCASE: Thanks to my friend, FyCar6 (You will need bilibili account to watch it at very good quality, and the car he use was V1)
- Full tech:

- Clean: