HP10/HPR Intro Cutscene Skip

Both versions of the game have been separated into two folders.
Hot Pursuit 2010 - for the 2010 version of the game, skips the intro scenes, login page, Autolog Save Icon, and the infamous NFSW Screen.
Hot Pursuit Remastered - For the remastered version of the game just skips all intro scenes to the "Press Any Button" on the title screen. (Stellar already removed all of the other nonsense, thanks Stellar!)
Installation Instructions:
To install, just drag the correct HSMDATA.BNDL to your GAMELOGIC folder inside of your game directory and replace anything that comes up (Make sure you pick the correct game version you are playing on)
If you have any issues, feel free to reach out to me on the NFSMods discord or the NFS Modding Corner discord.
Video Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ_L11XCk9w
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