NFSHPR - Discord RPC

NFS:HPR - Discord RPC
A mod that adds Discord Rich Presence integration to Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered.
This is my first mod written in C++ so it's not perfect and may lacks some features.
I may not update this mod that much cause I only made this for fun.
1. Get the desired version from the available source.
2. Extract all files/folders to the game directory.
- Incase you already have ASI Loader, extract only scripts to the game directory.
You can modify NFSHPR - Discord RPC.ini to change the configurations.
All explainations are in the file.
- ASI Missing dependencies
- Make sure your device has Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installed (Choose Architecture matching to your device's).
- Having Duplicate activity (2 NFS:HPR activities)
- Go to Discord Settings -> Registered Games -> Toggle Off Detection for Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit Remastered
- Why? Due to Discord Game SDK the name of activity can't be changes via code nor can be longer than 32 characters. So we have to go with NFSHPR instead.
- Thanks to TwinShards for the helps on giving me pointers to ingame values