NFSMW X360 Visuals

- The lighting and the visual filter of the game were changed to X360 values. The game is still yellow-ish, thus keeping the atmosphere, but it's not piss yellow anymore. It actually looks nice.
- The light flares were changed to X360 values. Cop lights are not plain red/blue anymore, and they actually look like lights now. The white cop light has been removed to match the X360 version.
- The light flare textures were changed to X360 ones.
- The pursuit lighting pulse (the blue one, I don't know how is it called) has been changed to match the X360 version.
Only four changes, might you ask? Well, I've got one more: I'm releasing the second version of my X360 textures now! It's still not done, and it still uses TexMod, but it's got more textures now. Link:!nsZRhaYK!yc3rmQIT8qNQy3RDfG2MwoNYspLM_peio6lIPvjaYd8. Now let's install it.
Step 1: Unpack the archive to the game's main folder.
Step 2: Install the included NFSMS script using NFS-VltEd.
Step 3 (Optional): Run the game with my Xbox 360 Textures mod for best result.
Step 4: Have fun!
That's it for this mod for now. Thanks for downloading!

Djet0954 (March 21, 2023 @ 13:56)
@R3SAX Try to use ExtraOptions
R3SAX (September 06, 2021 @ 08:59)
"this save game apears to be damaged and cannot be used". what now?
LoodyGawra (December 09, 2019 @ 17:49)
So sad its incompatible with modloader, but you probably dont even care OwO
KylaAngelineKZYeng (October 22, 2019 @ 02:39)
Does this support addon cars?
KomandoUgur (January 23, 2019 @ 14:35)
Nah, not feels like XBOX 360.YouTube Video
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