NFS MW New Spoiler Pack Part 1

For more information:
This pack replaces the standard spoilers in NFS MW.
Some of the original spoilers have been kept and modified to improve looks on all cars.
-Converted from Juiced 2, NFS No Limits, or modified from NFS MW
-Standard spoilers only. I do plan on modifying the other spoilers in the future, but for now it's just these.
-All spoilers fit nearly perfectly on all cars, excluding some slight issues here and there.
-TFK640 for the useful tutorial on creating this spoiler pack and the original spoiler pack which greatly influenced this one.
Main tools used:
NFSMW Modtools

Kimminji (August 24, 2024 @ 16:57)
In ur video standard spoilers is 15, in my installation why only 12 spoilers?
japa3nick (November 03, 2022 @ 04:26)
There is a bug while installign the mod, Porche Carrera GT and Ford GT they stop to work with spoilers ... Just can use on then ... Any fix ?
ChunKozumee (July 16, 2022 @ 10:23)
I don't like Mod Loader, make a VltEd or Binary pls
apprentice1914 (September 16, 2021 @ 11:38)
Can you convert these Spoilers as an add-on instead of replacement? thanks.