Challenge: Autopolis II - Improved & Drivable Drift spec Solstice

Instead, the AI can use a Drift spec Solstice GPX, while the player can't. This mod will replace the Grip spec Solstice with the Drift spec one, while improving the preset to make it more equal with the Silvia.
Also, the reward car will change from the Grip spec Silvia and Solstice to the Drift spec ones.
Installation instructions:
1. Download and install the latest version of VltEd.
2. Run VltEd.exe.
3. Click on File (or use Ctrl + I), select Import, and choose Challenge-Autopolis-II-Driveable-Drift-Solstice.nfsms.
4. A pop-up will appear, click on Install, then Close.
5. Click on File and select Save (or use Ctrl + S).
Thanks to R4BBITG4MING for his help on how to replace the reward cars.
I recommend starting a new save, to ensure that the changes apply! And it's a good idea to make a backup of the game before installing mods, too.

Arekusu (January 13, 2025 @ 01:53)
Here in Willow Springs it's no different, so IS350 - Drag should become Drift, i.e. backup to Chevelle SS - Drift, just as it was fixed here in Autopolis with Solstice - Grip becoming Drift as backup to Silvia - Drift. Anyway, little things like that always bother me when I play the game again. Anyway, thanks for the answer!
modeewy9 (January 12, 2025 @ 07:11)
Sorry for the late reply. I can try, but, AFAIK, there can only be a maximum of 5 cars selectable on a Challenge day: 1 car for every type of event (Grip, Drift, Drag and Speed), plus a backup car for one of the event types. And, as Challenge: Willow Springs doesn't have any Speed events, there's only 4 cars available (IS 350 - Grip, IS 350 - Drag, Chevelle SS - Backup Drag, Chevelle SS - Drift) for the player. So, I may have to replace the Chevelle SS - Backup Drag, with the IS350 - Drift, for example.