Customizeable NPCs

This mod allows you to customize NPC characters from singleplayer found in MODEL SELECT submenu, bypassing the game's limitation on customizing NPCs.There may be mods like this one out here and there that do the same or similar, but they are: a) outdated, meaning they won't work; b) they don't unlock every NPC for customization purposes
All NPCs in MODEL SELECT menu are unlocked, so it should be compatible with Spikyyn's Unlock Everything mod, in this case you need to put my mod BELOW the unlocker in Applied mods order so it doesn't conflict with it.Known Issues:
- The game will tell you that the character cannot be customized - this warning can be ignored. After you choose your NPC and it appears in virtual space afterwards, the EDIT MODEL submenu will be unlocked, indicating the ability to do whatever you want with your character.- Whatever you do, DO NOT GO TO EDIT MODEL MENU after you pick A$AP Rocky as a character, or else his face will be morphed into something make-me-unsee-it-able. Trust me, you don't want to do this.