7Elemento pack by normanr44

Category: Cars | Game: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered

7Elemento pack


How to install?
Put the files VEH_1111150_MS.BIN and VEH_11111597_MS.BIN in the VEHICLES folder in the game library and it's done. Incase if u want to go back to vanilla car, i have a backup folder with it

Imported the car from DGI's tool. Credit to DGlorio for the Plugin and the docs. Thanks to Enthuse for the tips, TwinShards and UMP45 for helping me with the test

- Racer Sesto:
+ Added Front and Rear License Plate
- Cop Sesto
+ Added Front and Rear License Plate
+ Added back the Lamborghini badge in the back (Weird xd)
+ Reposition the siren bar and lights to make it look like an actual UC cop car
+ Fix the driver position

Both were made from NFS Rivals Sesto reference (Thanks NFSLYY for telling me to add the front plate), and their performance are not touched.

Keep in mind that i might miss a few things during the test but feedback always appreciated!

- Blender 3.6
- DGlorio - NFSHPR Exporter

Video Showcase: N/A, will update the link when the mod is approved


P/S: The screenshot you see both of these cars have same racer plate but the files i upload they already fixed so it should be fine.


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Uploaded on March 02, 2025 at 09:16:07.
Last updated on March 07, 2025 at 10:43:57.