Need for Speed:ProStreet Improvised Mod V2 by Team Phreaks, Seban

Category: Miscellaneous | Game: Need for Speed: ProStreet

Need for Speed:ProStreet Improvised Mod V2

This is an updated version of the Improvised Mod by the Team Phreaks. It have
all the features unotuched from the original version, but add a couple of
improvements: all movies are disabled (some NIS like the intro of the first
race is still here, or the game crash), and the most important one is that now
can be played on a real PlaySation 2. Earlier, you was able to play it just
with the PCSX2 only feature (the HostFS) that permit to play games in a PC
fashion, or rather unpacked, then acted like the PC version of the game. The V2
"fix" this problem injecting the changes directly to the game image, then
possible to play on console (and potentially also on a PlaySation 3,
PlaySation 4 and PlaySation 5 with dedicated tools). The V2 patch is an .xdelta
file, then no actual game files. You can install it with DeltaPatcher, that is
already provded in the archive. After saying that, just install and have fun!

- Sony PlayStation 2
- Need for Speed: ProStreet USA version (SLUS-21658) [DD3CE71B] in .ISO format
- Your preferred method to play backup games
- DeltaPatcher
- Need for Speed: ProStreet - Improvised Mod V2 .xdelta file

- Open DeltaPatcher, click on the yellow folder on the right of "Original file"
- Select the Need for Speed: ProStreet USA version (SLUS-21658) [DD3CE71B].ISO
- Click on the yellow folder on the right of "XDelta patch:"
- Select the Need for Speed ProStreet - Improvised Mod V2.xdelta file
- Click on "Apply patch" on the left of the white/blue gear icon
- Wait that the process finish and click ok
- Now test the game with your preferred method and have fun!

- Making a backup of the game is always a good thing in case things mess up
- If the patch have problems with installation, try to uncheck "Checksum
Validation" clicking on the gear icon, then untick the option and retry

- None as I know, both original and V2 versions. On PCSX2 however may happen
that the game read saves as corrupted, but this happens also with unmodified
games. The only fix seems to delete the Alias (be careful to not to delete
the career save!), then create a new one. The most annoying thing is that may
occour every time the game is booted, then is better to use real hardware imo

- Maybe none, apart to try to port changes to the multiple PAL versions
- Make a version with restored movies

- Team Phreaks for creating this mod
- Myself for make it playable on a real PlaySation 2
- You for playing it!


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Uploaded on March 09, 2025 at 22:29:19.