NFSMW - Balanced/Vanilla friendly Upgradeable Bonus Cars

By El Nico
Latest Update:
v1.1 - Speed T Logo Fix, SL65 Gear Efficiency, Cop Corvette optional scripts.
This update includes:
- RX-8 Speed T now has its own Secondary Logo
- Transmission Upgrades on the SL65 AMG no-longer harm wheel power output
(This was a leftover from the stock transmission and is now fixed)
- Added optional for the Cop Corvettes (Normal, Undercover and Cross)
*these are simply reskins of the C6.R
This Mod all of the Bonus Cars to the Car Lot/My Cars, adjusts their prices,
and gives them their own, unique upgrade parts, making them fit perfectly within the Vanilla Game.
Heavily inspired by Rsracerp60's Tuning Mod from back in the day, though not quite as expansive.
Each Car uses its own upgrade parts, rather than using parts from other cars.
In terms of overall viability, the intention is for the cars to be good to above average (~A-Tier on a Tier list).
Nothing blatantly overpowered, but still very solid options within the overall vanilla car list,
with their own unique performance and handling attributes,
so they don't feel like duplicates of other cars in the game.
Chevrolet Camaro SS 1967.
Cost: $30,000
Unlocked at the start of the game as a starter car.
- Torque values taken from Carbons [charger69_top]
- Suspension and Tire data from Carbon's Camaro was used as a base,
and then very slightly adjusted to better fit MW's Handling Model.
- Features custom engine audio, with GinsuAccel files ported from Carbon.
*If you prefer the standard for_mus_b and for_mus_c engineaudio,
there's optional scripts located in the Cars>CamaroSS folder.
- High torque values and decent overall Power/Weight ratio, balanced out by low downforce,
low grip tire grip and moderate-high drag coefficient (similar to Muscle Cars in Carbon, though not as 'Boaty').
Chevrolet Corvette C6.R.
Cost: $500,000
Unlocked after defeating Bull, Blacklist number 2.
-Features all performance parts except for engine upgrades,
as the stock engine is already more than good enough.
- Features a supercharger upgrade that spools up quickly,
but only provides a small-moderate torque boost.
Porsche 911 GT2 (996).
Cost: $210,000
Unlocked after defeating JV, Blacklist number 4.
- Torque values are just the base engine torque values x1.34
- Good handling with a low drag coefficient of 0.34.
Mercedes-Benz SL65 AMG (R230)
Cost: $125,000
Unlocked after defeating Earl, Blacklist number 9.
- High Low-Mid range Torque values, with strong turbo upgrades.
- Balanced out with below-average handling, mostly due to the fact it weighs 1,950 kg (4299 lb).
- Moderate Drag Coefficient.
- Suspension and Tire Data from Carbon was used as a base,
then slightly adjusted and improved to better fit MW's handling Model.
Mazda RX-8 Speed T
Cost: $64,000
Unlocked after defeating Kaze, Blacklist number 7.
- Fixed Description String "Mazdaspeed RX-8".
- Fixed engine upgrades showing up as piston engine parts (now shows rotary engine parts).
- Now has its own Secondary Logo.
- Has its own unique upgrade parts with their own values, so its not just an RX-8 clone that weighs less.
- Has very slightly lower torque values than the base RX-8, as it weighs 1,400 kg instead of 1631 kg.
- Has stiffer suspension with more downforce, with a slightly higher drag coefficient of 0.44 to compensate (0.42 for the base RX-8)
- Has improved tire grip and grip scaling over the base RX-8,
but does not have the insane twitchiness and grip scaling of the "0x097c7b7d" tire node it normally uses in the base game.
BMW M3 GTR Strassenversion (Street Version)
Cost: $250,000
Unlocked after defeating Ronnie, Blacklist number 3.
- Uses torque values from M3 GTR (Race).
- All other performance parts and values are separate from, but semi-based the M3 GTR Race.
- Stock engineaudio is por_928 with transmission whine enabled (Inspired the M3 GTR Race in NFSCO).
- features 2 options for upgraded engineaudio:
- Normal tvr_cerb sound used by the M3 GTR (Race)
- experimental (tvr_cerb_2 node): tvr_cerb sound as base with por_928 GinsuAccel
(Essentially a mix of the Beta sound and the sound used in the final game).
- Pick whichever one you prefer.
BMW M3 GTR (Race)
Features 2 Optional Scripts:
1 - Allow the M3 GTR (Race) to use its unused induction node.
2 - Add the M3 GTR (Race) to the Car Lot (Unlocked after beating Razor).
(Adds both the normal and the careerstart variant, as they share the same frontend node)
Challenge Series Cop Corvettes.
Cost: $500,000
Unlocked after defeating Bull, Blacklist number 2.
- Three separate optional scripts for the following:
- Cop Corvette C6, Undercover Cop Corvette C6, Cross Corvette C6.
- These are simply Reskins of the C6.R,
they share the same upgrade parts, frontend node and exact stats.
*Having the C6R data installed, either before or during installation,
is required for these to work properly.
Install Instructions:
You will Need:
- Binary
- VltEd or Attribulator + OGVI
[Part 1 - Binary]
This is needed for moving the necessary engineaudio files,
as well as some small fixes for the RX8 Speed T.
1. Run Binary in Administrator Mode
2. Click User Mode (3 Red people on the left)
3. Select "Binary Install"
4. Select Your NFSMW installation directory
5. Click OK
6. A Selection Prompt should appear "Select Colour of Mazdaspeed Logo for RX-8 ST"
7. Select one of the following: Red Mazdaspeed Logo, White Mazdaspeed Logo, Use Normal RX-8 Logo, Already Have Logo.
8. Click Ok
9. A Prompt should appear "Script Binary Install.end has been successfully applied"
10. Click OK
11. A Prompt should appear "Would you like to save files?"
12. Click Yes
13. A Prompt should appear "Do you wish to run the game?"
14. Click No
[Part 2 - VltEd or Attribulator + OGVI]
1. Run NFS-VltEd v4.6.
2. Go File > Import > ModScript
3. Select "VltEd Install"
4. Select the Cars you would like to have installed.
*If you don't want a certain car, just leave it unchecked.
5. Press "Install"
6. Save Changes and Exit.
7. Enjoy
[Attribulator + OGVI]
1. Run OGVI.
2. Go File > Import ModScript
3. Select "VltEd Install"
4. Select the Cars you would like to have installed.
*If you don't want a certain car, just leave it unchecked.
5. Press "Import"
6. Save Changes and Exit.
7. Enjoy
[Updating from a previous version]
If you're updating from a previous version,
just repeat the previous installation steps shown above.
You can ignore any 'this node already exists' errors as any data/values
that were changed, gets overwritten anyway.
Tools Used:
- VltEd v4.6 by nfsu360
- Attribulator by NFS Tools
- Binary v2.9.0 by MaxHwoy
- Photoshop
- GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) 2.10.38
Any Constructive Feedback would be much appreciated,
all I ask is you be kind and respectful.
For example: If you think a car is too powerful and needs to be slightly toned down,
or if you think a car is too weak and needs to be buffed in some way,
or even have ideas for potential additions in the future, please do let me know.
You can leave any kind and respectful constructive feedback in the comments,
or you can DM me on Discord: el_nico_99 (Profile picture is a purple McLaren Senna taken in FH5)
Please also report any bugs.
Disclaimer: Batteries and Visual Customization NOT included.
This Mod does NOT add ANY visual customization.
This only makes them unlockable and upgradeable with their
own unique, balanced performance data, along with some small fixes.
However, there are plenty of mods out there that do add visual customization.
Simply install them first, then install this mod afterwards.
It will keep the visual customization, but just override the frontend, pvehicle, and performance parts data.
This Mod does NOT add/remove/change ANY ecar KitWheelOffset data, meaning visual customization mods SHOULD be compatible.
Here are some mods that do add visual customization.
These are entirely optional, but are compatible.
As mentioned before, just install these first, then install this mod afterwards.
You can ignore any errors saying "node with the same name already exists"
these don't affect anything, as the node data gets overwritten anyway.
Restored MazdaSpeed RX-8 by frannco1099
2004 Porsche 911 GT2 (996) (Unlimiter v4 Supported Extended Customization Refresh) by InfinityMain, frannco1099
Palmont Imports (Contains Camaro SS and SL65 visual customization)
Fully Customizable Corvette C6.R by Valen1991
BMW M3 GTR Strassenversion Extended Customization by EllisRacing
*EllisRacing's mod features its own completely different performance and handling.
*if you prefer the performance and handling of his mod, just leave the "Install Data for MR GTR Street" boxes unchecked.
It's your copy of the game, so it's entirely up to you :)
Known Issues:
- for_mus_c_2 engineaudio has to be set to a lower MaxRPM than initially intended.
When MaxRPM is set to 7421 (same as the normal for_mus_c), the audio glitches out at around the ~5750 to ~5850 mark on the tachometer.
The audio file not being able to rev high enough isn't the issue, as it can actually rev higher, it just glitches out around the mentioned mark.
As of now, the only fix for this is just setting the MaxRPM to 7042.
Why this is the case, I'm not sure.
Possible Future Plans (Not Confirmed/Guaranteed):
- Adding HD Secondary Logo options for the RX-8 Speed T. (512x128, or possibly even Higher)
- Adding other Challenge Series/Challenge Series Based Cop Cars.
Adding the Cop Corvettes as optional scripts kind of makes sense, as they are just reskins of the C6.R.
The CS Cop GTO is a reskin of the GTO, and the CS Cop Civic Cruiser is a Reskin of the Viper with a Higher TENSOR_SCALE.
Neither the GTO Or Viper are 'Bonus' Cars, so I feel somewhat conflicted on this topic.
There are also mods out there that add playable Cop Cars, with their own Unique Performance, and their own
Manufacturer and Secondary Logos.